Hair loss is normal and you can lose up to 100 hairs in a day. This is because hair grows in cycles. Since the cycles are random there are always hairs in growth and resting phases. The hair growth cycle includes a growth phase (anagen), a phase in which it prepares to fall out (catagen), and the resting phase (telogen). The anagen phase can last years; catagen is only a few weeks, and the telogen phase can last months.
Immediately following hair transplant surgery the short hair continue to grow for a week or two and then shed. This is normal and permanent hair growth begins in 8 to 12 weeks after surgery and then grows with the same genetic characteristics that the follicles had from their original location in the donor area.
What causes hair loss?
Over 90% of visible thinning or baldness is genetic.
Hair loss is an inherited trait that can be carried over from either the mother or fathers side.
Genetic hair loss can effect both men and women. Usually with men it is male pattern baldness (MPB) and begins with reseeding of the hairline and thinning in the crown. Men can experience hair loss beginning in their early twenties. Women typically lose their hair later in life and in a thinning or veil pattern that is less distinct.
Although hair loss is fairly common, it can be difficult to live with, especially when it changes how you look. But there are ways you can treat your hair loss.
Tired of losing hair?
Schedule your hair loss consultation.
Common causes of hair loss include:
If your hair is thinning, it happens slowly over time, so you may not notice the hairs falling out. If your hair is shedding, then clumps of hair fall out. You may lose hair all over your scalp, which is called general hair loss. Or you may lose hair only in one area, which is called focal hair loss.
Since your hair has a lot to do with your appearance, losing it may cause you to have lower self-esteem if you don’t like how you look. This is especially true in women and teens.
During your consultation Dr. Yazdan will ask you how much hair you’re losing, when it started, and whether your parents have hair loss. He will look closely at your scalp and hair loss pattern and may gently pull out a few hairs for tests.