How do you prepare for hair transplant surgery?
Congratulations on making the decision to go forward with hair transplant surgery. Upon scheduling your appointment with us you will receive detailed information on how to prepare for your upcoming hair transplant.
While hair transplants are considered a minimally invasive procedure, they are still a surgical procedure and must be treated as so by the patient. Your results will be determined by not only the surgeon but also by how well you yield pre- and post-operative instructions.
Below is a list of helpful tips and things to keep in mind as you prepare for your surgery. If you have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to call your doctor’s office.
Be sure to read through your pre-operative instructions carefully, as some preparations begin 2 weeks prior to your surgery date. Please note you should always follow specific instructions given by your doctor over any helpful tips seen here.
- Avoid drugs that cause the blood to thin. 1 week prior to your surgery you should avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or vitamin E supplements. 3 days prior to surgery you should avoid taking blood thinners such as warfarin, heparin, etc. Make sure to discuss this with your prescribing physician. When the blood in thin, it can cause increased bleeding as the clotting factors are not there to naturally halt bleeding. This can complicate the surgery and make it more difficult to complete. If you are taking these medications as instructed by your physician, please check with your physician before stopping any medication. Tylenol/Acetaminophen is fine to take as it does not thin the blood.
- Avoid all alcohol and spicy food 2 days prior to surgery. These too can cause the blood to thin.
- Eat breakfast. It’s going to be a long day and eating a full breakfast will help you stay nourished, hydrated, and feeling good throughout the procedure.
- Wear a comfortable shirt with a loose neck-hole. When you get home post-surgery, we don’t want the shirt to rub against the extraction and recipient zones of your scalp. This could cause potential damage. Consider wearing a shirt with a bigger neck-hole like a v-neck or button shirt.
- Bring your iPad/tablet. Many individuals like to browse or get work done during the procedure. Feel free to bring your tablet. We will also have music and movies available for you.
- Don’t shave your head. The doctor needs to have some length of hair present in order to assist him in locating and placing the grafts. We recommend not going shorter than a 2 on the clippers.
- Wash your hair the morning of the procedure. This helps to remove all dirt and oil, making the scalp clean prior to the start of surgery.
- Use minoxidil (Rogaine) pre- and post-op. Shock loss can occur in some individuals. Use Rogaine pre- and post-op to help reduce the risk of shock loss and promote hair growth.