FUE transplant – Age: 29 – Sex: Male – Grafts: 2,032
Hair transplant surgery is both a science and an art. FUE and FUT procedures must be performed by a

34 yr old male FUE – Filling in Hairline – 1517 Grafts
A new entry has just been added to Modena’s male hair loss success stories! Diagnosis: FUT transpl

35 yr old male FUT – 3,028 grafts
A new entry has just been added to Modena’s male hair loss success stories! Diagnosis: FUT transpl

35 yr old African American female FUT – 1 year results
A new entry has just been added to Modena’s female hair loss success stories! Diagnosis: FUT trans

Stress, Depression and Androgenic Alopecia
The last few months have not been the rosiest time in the history of human happiness, has your hair