Seven Signs You’re in The Wrong Hair Restoration Clinic
So, you’ve decided you’re ready to get a hair transplant, and all you need to do is figure out w

Everything You Need to Know About Beard Transplants
Growing a full beard is one of the most appealing and game-changing adjustments you can make to your

A Quick Guide to Eyebrow Transplants
Until eyebrow care became trendy a few years back, it’s safe to say that many people took theirs f

How a Hair Transplant Can Help Restore Your Confidence
It’s no secret that a person’s confidence is oftentimes tied to the state of their hair. Many pe

After the Transplant: Taking Care of Your New Hair
As it goes with any major medical procedure, the long-term success of your hair transplant isn’t g

Your Main Donor Areas for a Hair Transplant
If you’ve done your fair share of research into hair transplants, you’ve probably heard the phra

How a Cheap Transplant will Cost More in the Long Run
Given the current state of medicine, we understand why people want to save money everywhere they pos

Why FUT Procedures are Still Valid in the Era of FUE
Over the past few years, the hype behind FUE procedures has been nothing short of overwhelming. If y

How To Stop a Receding Hairline
One day, you’re simply minding your own business when you take a quick glance in the mirror. Howev

Dr. Yazdan Attends FUE Conference in Manchester, UK
FUE Europe hosts 8th Annual Congress in the UK, June 6-8, 2019 Long standing ISHRS member and board-