Separating Fact from Fiction: The Real Causes Behind Hair Loss
Prime Culprit: Hormones The premier cause behind hair loss in both men and women is hormonal. Hormon

The Problem with ‘Hims’ and ‘Keeps’ Hair Loss Solutions
Whether on social media or on billboards downtown, you’ve likely come across the now famous beige

Repairing Bad or Ugly Hair Transplants
Either as a result of an unqualified hair restoration surgeon or incapable technician, many hair tra

Choosing the Right Hair Transplant Clinic
The internet is an unparalleled resource for checking surgical reputations and verifying a practiceâ

Medical Board Issues Warning to Doctors Delegating Hair Transplant Surgery to Technicians
Through the combination of public-wide media coverage (pioneered by Spex and others), state-of-the-a

Treatments for Traction Alopecia
Traction alopecia is a relatively common condition, but one that is very avoidable. Traction alope

Case Study: Body Hair Transplant and Strip Scar Revision
*This blog is a transcription of a video covering a Modena Hair Institute patient who saw Dr. Yazdan

FUE Transplant: Step by Step
*This blog is a transcription of a video covering a Modena Hair Institute patient who saw Dr. Yazdan

Am I a Candidate for a FUT Transplant?
If you’ve done any research on hair transplants in the past, there’s a chance you’ve seen the