5 Simple Secrets for Healthier, Fuller-Looking Hair
The looming threat of hair loss is a concerning prospect. Aging and genetics can both cause hair loss and the underlying cause of hair loss affects what treatments will be most effective. The good news is, however, that not only is hair loss easily reversible through transplant therapy by a skilled physician, but there are also many easily amenable lifestyle choices that can help you maintain a thick and healthy head of hair.
Eat plenty of protein – A 2017 study found that participants suffered from hair when placed on a diet low in protein and amino acids. Lean meats like fish can be a rich source of protein and other essential nutrients. Vegetarians and vegans must be especially careful to provide themselves with a viable non-meat protein source, like soy, to replenish essential amino acids- your lock will thank you!
Take a multivitamin – Numerous scientific studies have strongly suggested that vitamins may help to prevent hair loss in human subjects. A monograph in ‘Dermatology and Therapy’ examining the role of various dietary supplements suggested that vitamin deficiencies may be a risk factor for hair loss. While the precise relationship of vitamins deficiencies and hair loss still remains somewhat unclear some vitamin and mineral supplements that may help include:
- selenium
- vitamin B
- zinc
- vitamin D
- iron
- vitamin A
- vitamin C
- vitamin E
Anyone considering taking a multivitamin supplement should consult with their personal physician first. The best multivitamin products available on the market today contain all or nearly all of the recommended daily amounts of each vitamin and mineral in a single dose.
Mediterranean diet – This one is easy, just have a Greek salad or some nice bruschetta! The Archives of Dermatological Research published a 2017 study which connected the herbs and vegetables commonly associated with the Mediterranean diet and a decreased risk of male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). Bon Appetit!
Coconut Oil – A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition titled ‘Health Effects of Coconut Oil—A Narrative Review of Current Evidence’ suggests that applying coconut oil to the scalp and hair may stimulate hair regrowth and repair hair damaged and weakened from excess heat or color treatment. Give it a try, if nothing else you’ll smell great!
Proper scalp care – Shampoo your hair excessively, brushing over vigorously, and using harsh chemical products or dyes can all make your hair brittle and more prone to fall out. Brush your hair gently and give yourself a daily scalp massage, wear a hat in harsh sunlight and avoid washing your hair with very hot water in the shower. Using a sensitive doctor-developed shampoo and conditioner like GroMD will restore and rejuvenate dry hair follicles.
While the above mentioned lifestyle changes are all commendable habits which may lead to a healthier and happier life the fact remains- if you have hair loss hardwired into your genetics then you will lose your hair. Thankfully here at Modena Hair institute Dr. Yazdan specializes in the only proven method of permanent hair restoration – transplant surgery. Both the FUE and FUT transplant procedures are capable of producing beautiful and dramatic results in even the most hopeless seeming cases. Again, your scalp will thank you!
If you or a loved one is worried about their hair health, please contact us at Modena Hair Institute today for more information about restoring your hairline or to discuss any questions you may have regarding our available procedures. At Modena Hair Institute we pride ourselves on consistently providing our patients with the highest standard of custom hair restoration treatment available, directly tailored to their individual needs. Dr. Yazdan is eagerly awaiting your visit or digital consultation. Contact us today!
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.