Different Types of Hair Transplant Surgeries: The 3 Most Common Methods of the Twentieth Century
Hair loss problems can be caused by a plethora of assorted reasons. While this can seem alarming, in many cases hair loss can be reversible once the problem is identified and a solution has taken place. However, there are many instances in which new hair growth becomes impossible due to permanent damage to follicles of the scalp. For these patients, typical hair treatment tips and tricks just won’t cut it and a more permanent solution is needed.
Thanks to science and modern technology, hair transplant surgery has made hair restoration possible for (almost) everyone! However, if you wish to take the route of a hair transplant, you should first educate yourself on the hair transplant methods that are commonly used today. Leading hair restoration surgeons alike Dr. Yazdan, have even pioneered through the industry by developing tools that offer precision allowing him to yield some of the most natural hair transplant results out there! Now let’s get into the 3 most common hair transplant methods making headway in the twentieth century.
Scalp Reduction
Scalp reduction is one of the earliest hair transplant methods that yielded successful results. In this method, scalp from the balding area is surgically removed. In most cases, this area consists of the crown and the top of the head. Once this area is removed, the scalp area that still bears hair, is then stretched over to cover and replace that shiny bald patch (think Donald Trump). This hair transplant method worked well for patients who had a good amount of healthy donor hair on the back and sides of their scalp. Today, this method is seldom used due to the advancement on hair transplant procedures such as the next 2 we will discuss.
Follicular Unit Transplantation also known as “FUT” or the “Strip” Method
For the last several decades, FUT has remained one of the most popular and successful hair transplant methods used in our times. This method not only makes the hair look exceptionally natural, but also allows the hairs to function in a natural manner. For this procedure, Dr. Yazdan and his team use high resolution stereo microscopes when dissecting the strip of tissue harvested from the donor area. This largely reduces the risk of hair damage.
Sometimes, the extraction of a donor strip can leave a linear scar on the back of the scalp, which over the years has inclined more men and women to side with the most advanced hair transplant method out there today – the FUE method.
Advantages of FUT:
- Larger areas of baldness can be covered in fewer sessions
- The transection rate may be lowered providing superior results. (the transection rate also depends highly on the skill of your surgeon)
- The survival rate may higher
Follicular Unit Extraction also known as “FUE”
FUE is very similar to FUT. However, the difference here is that FUE does not require the removal of a complete strip of scalp tissue and is much less invasive. In fact, during an FUE hair transplant procedure, each individual hair follicle is extracted from the back and sides of the head using small punch tools and are then grafted to the recipient area where balding and thinning has taken place.
One of the major advantages of FUE is that there is minimal scarring and damage to the donor area when performed properly. There’s no strip of tissue being removed, less bleeding, less risk of scarring, and a natural looking appearance all around! This method has offered our patients over the years with more flexibility over the type of hairstyles they wish to keep.
Advantages of FUE:
- This method does not involve the removal of a strip of scalp tissue, there are no incisions or stitches
- There is no linear scar on the back of the scalp
At Modena Hair Restoration, we want you to make an informed decision when choosing not only the right method that suits your specific needs, in addition – the right surgeon is just as important, so we’ve added a few quick pointers to help you choose a clinic and physician for your next hair restoration procedure.
- The surgeon specializes in Hair Transplant surgeries with extensive expertise
- The surgeon performing your procedure is a member of the ISHRS
- The surgeon only performs 1 surgery per day
- The surgeon performs the surgery – not allowing his or her technicians to take over
- The surgeon extracts by hand – not a mechanical robot such as the Artas or NeoGraft
Remember, while a hair transplant is considered minimally invasive, this is still a surgical procedure that takes many years of skill and artistry to make it look natural and undetected by the naked eye. For more information regarding helpful tips, read our blog topic – Hair Transplant: Consultation Questions to Ask Your Surgeon.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link