Facial Hair Loss: Can a Hair Transplant be Performed on a Patchy Beard?
Say bye-bye to patchy facial hair! If you’re one of the millions of sparsely-bearded men on the hunt to fix your patchy beard, it’s important to strive for actual, proven methods. With that said – is a hair transplant one of them? The simple answer is YES, you can now get the beard you always wanted…
You may have heard people saying that “it’s all in the genes” and there’s nothing that can be done to fix a patchy beard, right? Wrong. That certainly isn’t the case and with the evolution of hair transplants and a skilled hair restoration surgeon like Dr. Yazdan, a beard hair transplant is a minor and minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that repairs a patchy beard…or any facial hair for that matter!
“Facial hair loss is an extremely common problem, especially on the area of the cheeks. The cheek area has considerably weaker blood flow than the area of the upper lip and chin, this means that over time less nutrients and our beard-growing hormones – testosterone and DHT – make it to the cheek area, resulting in patchy, thin facial hair” Dr. Yazdan explains.
“The cold, hard truth is that not all beards are created equal. For every Hugh Jackman, there are at least a dozen sad, scruffy Keanu Reeves out there” Yazdan facetiously adds.
Just as with a hair transplant on the head, the donor hair for a facial hair transplant comes from the back or sides of your scalp, and in most cases, using the FUE technique. Depending how much facial hair loss you have and the look you’re going for – the traditional FUT/strip hair transplant may also be recommended. Which site and technique are used generally depends on the amount of hair needing to be transplanted and which part of the donor area Dr. Yazdan feels will yield the closest countertype of facial hair; sometimes it’s the back of the scalp, while other times it’s the sides of the scalp – between the ears. Dr. Yazdan will oftentimes harvest hairs from the very back of the head to match the mustache and goatee region as well as the cheeks while donor hairs from the sides are mostly used for the sideburns and posterior part of the cheeks. Once the grafts have been transplanted, the hairs are permanent and typically grow just like the rest of your facial hair with similar texture and other characteristics. The transplanted hair can be trimmed, shaved, and groomed just as you would other facial hair.
As a well-qualified and experienced hair restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan uses modern technology and technique to extract and transplant a combination of single and two-hair grafts in order to optimize density while maintaining a natural look that cannot be detected by the naked eye. It’s also crucial for the surgeon to be tactful in his/her artistry in placing the grafts in the correct angle and direction of your natural facial hair. For our salt-n-pepper patients in which gray hair is also needed, Dr. Yazdan strategically extracts and distributes gray hairs to intermix with your natural hair color in order for a nice, even flow to your new and improved beard.
Tip #1: We understand not everyone is ready and willing to seek a hair restoration physician for their facial hair loss, so we’ve included a non-surgical proven treatment to regrow that splotchy beard – combining the use of Minoxidil (FDA approved for hair loss) with GroMD’s Follicle Activator Spray has shown remarkable results in facial hair regrowth and density.
Tip #2: Just like going to the barber for your haircut, you’re best off bringing in a photograph of the style and shape you desire. This way you and your surgeon of choice are on the same page and you can dictate how you want your new beard to look.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link .