Save Your Hair Transplant for the ‘REAL’ Professionals
If you’ve been researching hair transplants and the different methods and tools used to get those luscious locks restored, it is plausible you have heard of the ARTAS robot. However, you may want to spare yourself the pain, expense and disappointment.
Yes! The future is here. There is now a mechanical robot that is able to assist physicians in harvesting and dissecting hair follicles for hair transplantations! This advanced technology sounds pretty intriguing, right? Well here’s the 411 on the robot, the botched outcomes we’ve seen, and why it is so important in finding a well-qualified doctor that has many years of experience in performing hair restoration surgeries…
While the ARTAS is just a tool, and a tool is only as good as the hand that wields it; Unfortunately, the technology of this robotic device still can’t match the quality, precision, and the results that the human hand can in performing an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) procedure. There is risk vs reward that should be measured.
Scarring is one of the major risk factors in an FUE procedure performed by the ARTAS. This mechanical robot can only use an extraction instrument or “punch size” on the larger scale- almost doubling the size of what the human hand is able to accomplish. Like the ARTAS, there are similar complications with another tool physicians are using called NeoGraft that vacuum sucks the grafts out, yet, also can only extract grafts with larger punch sizes.
“NeoGraft puts additional stress on the follicles during the vacuum phase and while sitting in the graft chamber vs extraction manually with forceps. I personally prefer to extract the grafts manually and place them immediately in hypothermosol solution chilled at 4 degrees Celsius” says Yazdan.
Both NeoGraft and ARTAS run a much higher risk of hundreds if not thousands of permanent tiny round scars at the donor site (I.E. the back of the scalp). This creates problems if you plan on keeping your hair short or have future plans to have a shorter hairstyle as scars are not exactly aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Unlike the ARTAS needing to use larger punch sizes, Dr. Yazdan only fluctuates back and forth between some of the smallest punch sizes without compromising the grafts. Thus, minimizing scarring and leaves him with much smaller grafts which can be transplanted closer to each other, giving a much more natural look and density. This takes many years to learn and should be left only for the highly skilled surgeons.
Overharvesting hair follicles in too small of a donor zone is another common fault of the robot. It isn’t able to decide how wide of an extraction zone should be created to prevent overharvesting from happening. Consequences include scarring, damage to the donor site and nearby hair follicles which can lead to a patchy appearance due to the trauma.
Click here for additional disadvantages of the ARTAS robot
In a nutshell, there are two main reasons the ARTAS is being used today in performing an FUE hair transplant. One being, inexperienced doctors needing assistance in extracting hair grafts. Two, more doctors are finding it “easier” on themselves to have a robot do all the dirty work so they’re not experiencing fatigue as well as it cheapens the cost of the procedure for the doctor (not the patient), yet all at the expense of the patient and their results being less than satisfying.
Many patients that undergo an ARTAS transplant will tell you they received vastly underwhelming results considering the expense, or are more than displeased left with scarring and a painful recovery.
At Modena Hair Institute, we recommend not dabbling with the idea of having the robot do your hair transplant. Save it (and your head of hair) for the ‘REAL’ professionals!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link