Are You Balding? Avoid a Botched Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp Micropigmentation is a new and popular trend for disguising hair loss and hair thinning. Yet if done incorrectly, can have you looking like a character from “The Lego Movie” – leaving you with extremely unnatural and aesthetically displeasing results. The goal of this non-surgical procedure is to camouflage your hair loss or thinning concerns, not make them more prominent and noticeable.
Scalp Micropigmentation, also known as SMP is used to fill in between thinning hairs or to add the impression of more hair between transplanted hair, not as an alternative to a hair transplant!
If you are indeed receding at the hairline, a better option may be to go with an FUE or Strip method hair transplant followed by SMP in the coming months once your new hairs start to grow in. The hair transplant will give you the real 3D hairs while scalp micropigmentation gives you an even fuller and thicker looking appearance for optimal results. By just placing numerous dots of pigment to create a frontal hairline will not look natural so please – don’t try this at home or with your local tattoo artist.
While SMP is a procedure similar to a tattoo, it should not be performed by a tattoo artist or a clinic technician. The procedure requires specialized training and should be performed by a certified physician who understands and takes into account your hair loss issues. It is considered a non-surgical procedure, however, SMP is performed by hair restoration surgeons and staff who are specially trained in a clinical setting – Not in your friend’s garage.
SMP is a combination of art work and technical skill. And as you can see, not every artist can pull off a realistic look. In addition, always make sure to ask your specialist what type of ink (pigment) they are using, many will buy their ink from China or use India inks and these often carry heavy metals in them. Dr. Yazdan only uses organic pigments that carry no hard metals or arsenic – ensuring the safety of our patients is first and foremost.
If you decide to go with a SMP or in combination with a hair transplant, it is important to be on a preventive regimen to slow further hairline recession. GroMD Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo rapidly reduces the shedding of hair in as little as the first four weeks. We’ve seen impeccable results with continuous use. (GroMD Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo)
Make sure to consult with an experienced, certified micropigmentation specialist prior to making any treatment decisions. (more on scalp micropigmentation)
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link