The Aesthetic Benefits of Micropigmentation
There are tremendous aesthetic benefits to micropigmentation, only a few of which we will go over in this blog.
A growing number of working-class professionals are facing hair related problems like a receding hairline, excessive hair fall, thinning hair or pattern baldness. These problems can severely affect a person’s self-confidence. The hair restoration industry has been hard at work developing new and effective techniques to treat hair loss or hair thinning. One of the techniques to camouflage and invigorate a thinning scalp is called Scalp Micropigmentation or SMP.
What may look like a complicated treatment for hair loss, is actually what we can simply call a ‘hair tattoo’. SMP is a cosmetic tattoo that is done on the scalp, to give an illusion of a buzz cut on a bald head or fill in thinning portions of the scalp. It can be used to serve many purposes like camouflaging of scars on the scalp, provide a look of stronger and thicker hair and to create a look of cropped hair on your scalp. SMP also finds use in a number of different scalp conditions like scanty hair loss, alopecia areata, genetic androgenic alopecia, alopecia totalis, autoimmune diseases of scalp, alopecia universalis, lichen planus and some of the other types of scarring alopecias. Burn scars victims may also be great candidates for SMP.
Studies have found that about 42% of males between the age of 18-45 suffer from the problems of hair loss. Though the problem is more likely to grow as you get older, in some cases it can victimize younger people as well. In such cases, for men, the best way to go on is by adopting the ‘ruggedly bald’ or the ‘buzz cut’ look.
If you’re looking to improve your look while suffering from hair loss, then you could opt for Scalp Micropigmentation. SMP is performed by a hair restoration specialist and involves absolutely minimal time and recovery. Moreover, it needs next to no maintenance and you are free as soon as you leave the clinic to go about your normal routine!
Micropigmentation can be a tremendously beneficial and easy aesthetic solution for both men and women. SMP delivers great results in cases of thinning hair, where it provides an illusion of a full head, with thicker and stronger hair. As the picture above shows, thinning or baldness on the parting line or crown can be restored easily to its natural looking thickness!
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.