Should your hair transplant be done by a machine or by hand?
Anyone who has researched hair transplant surgery has probably heard of the ARTAS and NeoGraft. Simply put for those who are unfamiliar, the Artas and Neograft are devices meant to assist physicians with hair transplant surgery. These products claim to provide a minimally invasive procedure with a high graft extraction rate that produces a natural look.
Sounds great, right? But, upon further research and evaluation we see why hair transplant surgery by a machine may not yield the best results.
The NeoGraft utilizes an electrical power punch and suction to extract grafts. This is particularly concerning as this suction is believed by experienced hair transplant surgeons, including Dr. Yazdan, to damage the fragile hair follicles. If these follicles are damaged, they will not survive once transplanted. The power punch utilized by the NeoGraft is rather large compared to the hand held instruments developed by Dr. Yazdan, and a larger punch size means an increase in the risk of scarring.
The ARTAS is deemed to be the robotic method of hair transplantation. The device utilizes a computer and is very expensive for physicians and patients alike. According to FDA trials, the ARTAS showed no superiority to the hand held FUE method by an experienced hair transplant surgeon.
The most important thing to remember when researching your hair transplant surgery is to consider quality over quantity. Although you may hear claims of high graft extraction rates from the above devices, this number is irrelevant if the grafts do not survive due to damage. In addition, large punch size can cause scarring which negates one of the great things about the FUE method of hair transplant surgery which is minimal scarring. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan has developed his own hand tools to ensure the best results possible. If you’re interested in finding out more about his method, give us a call today.