Psychological Benefits to a Hair Transplant
As if gaining weight and getting wrinkly, sagging skin isn’t devastating enough when it comes to signs of our bodies aging process – the idea of hair loss can accelerate your state of mind down a slippery slope of anxiety and depression, even leading to reclusive behaviors. We’re here to tell you that you do not need to be a phycologist to recognize and understand the negative effects balding and thinning hair can have on many men and women. Most people assume that the psychological effects are confined to the hair loss itself. In fact, after restoring your hair with a hair transplant, Dr. Yazdan’s patients see a positive impact in their confidence as well as their social life.
The primary psychological benefit of a hair restoration procedure is self-confidence. A healthy and full head of hair is greatly associated with beauty and a youthful appearance. Yet for many men and women, we tend to ‘ignore’ the negative effects balding and thinning hair has on our level of self-eseem. Men in particular, see this to be even more emasculating to acknowledge it than the actual hair loss itself. In these situations, the psychological benefits of hair transplantation are difficult to deny.
A recent study conducted on male post-transplant patients revealed significant increases in the areas of happiness, feeling youthful, self-confidence, and an overall positive future outlook. The study also exhibited improvement in anxiety levels, sex lives, and overall energy in participants. These influences alone are proof that a hair transplant procedure should not be considered merely one of vanity as it can have a tremendous impact on ones overall livelihood.
Whatever your motivation might be, whether getting ahead in the workplace, finding your souls counterpart – Modena Hair Restoration has you covered! Southern California and Las Vegas’s leading hair restoration physician, Dr. Yazdan, specializes in both FUE and FUT/strip hair transplant procedures utilizing advanced tools and techniques to pioneer through the industry as training and skill are key components to natural and aesthetically pleasing results! Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure an optimal outcome and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
After your extensive research, if you happen to find a leading hair restoration surgeon alike Southern California and Las Vegas Hair Restoration Specialist, Dr. Yazdan, your results shouldn’t be detected by the naked eye with the exclusion of more density – which is what Dr. Yazdan sets out to accomplish. We don’t want to give away the secret that a surgical procedure was ever performed, but that your own body has naturally created new density and a restored hairline and all it took was a healthy diet and exercise! (wink, wink)
When considering the long-term psychological affirmations, these can be frankly…life-changing! With confidence, there’s also a change in your attitude, less anxiety and anti-social tendencies, and best of all, a new enthusiasm for life!
With emotional stress exacerbating many types of hair loss – worrying about your hair aggravates the problem. So, take a deep breathe, and know that there is most likely a solution to your hair loss dilemma. For information regarding non-surgical procedures and topical solutions, click here.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link .