Strip VS FUE Method: Which is Best For Me?
In the world of hair transplant procedures, there are 2 methods used today and with the recent rise in hair transplants, people are wondering if there’s a difference and which one is best. Here we’ll discuss the comparison and differences, healing and recovery, and which would better suite your specific needs.
Procedure Similarities and Differences
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and Strip hair restoration are similar in the sense patients are given a local anesthetic to numb the area that is going to be treated and to help control the bleeding. Both surgeries are performed under high powered magnification in order to allow precise graft placement at the recipient site.
As the name suggests, Strip is performed by cutting a linear strip of hairs from the donor site (i.e. back of the scalp). Incisions are usually only so deep that harvesting the entire follicular unit is possible. Followed by, careful manual dissection of the hair follicles into smaller grafts. These grafts are then placed in the desirable areas where thinning or balding has occurred (recipient area).
While in FUE, tiny punches are made to extract individual grafts containing 1-4 hairs from the donor site therefore, there is no linear scar. Grafts are then cleaned, counted and separated to prepare for transplanting. With good instrumentation and considerable experience, both FUE and Strip can produce very similar growth results.
Healing and Recovery
When it comes to healing and recovery, both FUE and Strip are fairly similar in that the treatment areas usually heal just a few short days after your procedure and you are most likely able to return to work and your normal daily activities the very next day. In Strip, you may have a little more soreness at the donor site due to the incision. Dr. Yazdan recommends no strenuous activity and heavy lifting should be avoided for 14 days or as advised by your surgeon. Having several follow-up appointments with your physician are very important and play a significant role in your healing process and the success of your new head of hair. At Modena, we strongly advise post-ops to be the following day after your procedure, 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months following.
Strip or FUE?
This can depend on many different factors and should be discussed with a well experienced Board-Certified Surgeon with high success rates in hair transplantation for a one-on-one consultation and exam. Based on your medical history and the severity of your condition, you and your doctor can make the best decision considering your specific needs.
In general, if the goal is to get the maximum amount of hair then the traditional Strip method might be the best choice. Strip harvesting is also a great option for patients who wear their hair longer and have good scalp laxity in order to make a large enough incision that it can be properly closed without creating problems such as scars. From a donor scarring perspective, if you ever plan to shave your head in the future or like to maintain a short haircut then you should probably lean towards an FUE transplant.
Ultimately, the results to both are comparable because the harvesting and implantation of the grafts and their survival rate highly depends on the expertise and experience of the physician performing the procedure. Both FUE and strip harvesting are excellent methods of obtaining grafts for hair restoration. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan is highly skilled and performs both techniques routinely.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link