When Hair Transplants Go Wrong
Hair transplantation can be a spectacular procedure that rejuvenates and beautifies a person’s hairline. The classic FUE and FUT hair transplant methods can leave patients with a thick and natural looking head of hair.
Producing such great aesthetic outcomes, however, requires great expertise, talent, and experience. Top hair restoration doctors work tirelessly over the period of many years to perfect their transplantation method and protocol. Owning an artistic and technical mastery over a procedure as sensitive, intricate and rigorous as hair transplantation takes extreme specialization.
Predictably, many dermatologists, physicians, and weaker hair care clinics find the time and effort it takes to achieve such mastery exhausting. Leading many practitioners to find shortcuts and capitalize on consumer ignorance. In a popular article entitled, ‘Read This Before You Have a Hair Transplant’, we recount the many ways in which self-proclaimed hair restoration ‘experts’ dilute the truth and sell patients on a false dream.
Given most people’s less-than-adequate understanding of hair restoration techniques and solutions, inexperienced and often unethical physicians prey on consumers who seek genuine and affordable treatment. And not just the average consumer, but even celebrities themselves have fallen victim to bad hair transplants.
There are several factors that can lead to a poor hair transplant outcome:
Old or outdated plug technique
Hair transplants were originally performed using large 3-4mm hair plugs. This is much too large. Patients who underwent this type of procedure often leave with big incision marks and crooked plug outlines. Thankfully this can be repaired quite effectively. New natural follicular units can be transplanted to soften or camouflage the old plugs and restore a natural appearance. In some cases, if the plugs were placed incorrectly, a proper physician can re-transplant the hair from the plugs to the correct area and in the correct growth direction.
Inexperienced surgeon and staff
Some patients have gone to physicians who only rarely or occasionally perform hair restoration surgery. Hair restoration is a very precise and highly specialized field. Almost all the top practitioners in the field specialize exclusively, like Dr. Amir Yazdan, in hair restoration surgery. Inexperience can lead to poor hair growth, bad hair growth angles of the transplanted hair and scarring.
Large donor scar
Large donor scars are typically the result of poor surgical technique when closing or an overly aggressive harvesting of hair, which creates unnecessary tension on the wound that leads to a wide scar. At Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan specializes in donor scar correction and utilizes several options including a revised closure, excising the previous scar and employment of a Trichophytic technique. In some cases, Dr. Yazdan may transplant hair during the FUE procedure to camouflage the scar with new hair growth. For greater precision and minimal incision impact, Dr. Yazdan also employs a micropunch as small as .7mm diameter to extract follicular units as gently and artistically as possible.
At Modena Hair Institute a large percentage of our procedures are repair procedures which correct badly done hair transplants. A bad hair transplant can seriously affect a person’s emotional well-being and quality of life, thankfully top hair restoration specialists can repair the cosmetic appearance of those who have had even the worst hair restoration procedure.
Whatever be the result of your previous hair transplant, a board certified physician like Dr. Yazdan has the expertise, tools and surgical options available to significantly improve your past cosmetic results and leave you with the perfect head of natural looking hair.
As you continue on your hair transplant journey, know what to look for and what questions to ask. Your hair, your appearance and your confidence deserve to be in the most capable of surgical hands.
For all matters hair contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or visit Modenahair.com.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.