Case Study – FUE Hair Transplant Donor Area
We get many questions from patients regarding how an FUE hair transplant procedure looks immediately after the procedure and once its healed. How an FUE donor area will look post-surgery depends on a wide variety of factors such as how many grafts were extracted, what size punch tool was used for extraction, the skill and technique of the doctor, the involvement of the doctor, and more. There is a great difference in the appearance of properly done and successful FUE donor area and the appearance of an improperly done one.
Below, we’ve included pictures of a recent case wherein the patient received a 2800 graft FUE procedure. We used our signature 0.7mm punch tool which is the smallest on the market. On the left is a picture of the donor area immediately following surgery, while on the right is a picture of the healed donor area after 6 months. As you can see, the patient healed very well, and there are no visible scars. When expert skill and technique is used, this can be the outcome of a healed FUE donor area.