How a Cheap Transplant will Cost More in the Long Run
Given the current state of medicine, we understand why people want to save money everywhere they possibly can. The price of a typical hair replacement surgery is understandably prohibitive, and we understand that the promises made by discount clinics can be tempting. A cheap hair transplant is one of the tragedies of modern medicine history
However, you need to understand that their procedures are cheap for a reason. Whether it’s because they’re inexperienced, working with inadequate tools, overbooking their schedule, or letting assistants perform critical parts of the surgery, they’re always cutting costs somewhere. You won’t pay as much money in that moment, but we’d argue the price of going the cheap route increases from the moment the procedure is over.
The first way you end up paying is with your scalp. One only need to search for images of botched hair transplants online to see the consequences of anything less than expert care & attention. Scarring, infections, and more are common for patients of inexperienced surgeons & their assistants, and ingrown grafts resulting from these procedures will need a whole other operation to be removed.

That brings us to the second way you pay: money. Even though you might have gone to a cheaper clinic to save a few bucks, you’ll likely have to pay as much as you would have for a professional FUE or FUT hair transplant just to fix what they did to you. That being said, there’s no guarantee that hair restoration surgeon would be able to fix it for you. If you have insufficient donor areas or other insurmountable issues with your scalp, there’s simply nothing they can do but turn you away.
Furthermore, consider what your life would be like living with a botched hair transplant. It’s the third way you pay for a cheap transplant: your self-esteem. Hair loss & baldness are big enough confidence killers, but walking around with a scarred or infected scalp can be downright torture to those self-conscious of their appearance.

With all of that in mind, you’re likely wondering how you can tell whether the hair restoration clinic you’re visiting will get the job done right. Thankfully, there are a few key ways you can figure this out for yourself.
For instance, here at Modena Hair Institute, located in Newport, Beverly Hills & Las Vegas, Dr. Yazdan limits his schedule to one procedure per day. This allows him the necessary time to properly perform a successful hair restoration surgery, unlike cheaper clinics that will book 2, 3 or more patients in one day & fail to give them true attention. Along with offering patients his time, he also gives them his full attention. Dr. Yazdan is the only person that performs hair restoration surgeries at all three of the Modena clinics, having his assistants handle appropriate tasks in the process instead of the procedures themselves.
Perhaps most importantly, he has the experience & knowledge to make sure he gets the job done right. You should always make sure that the person performing your hair restoration procedure, whether it be an FUE or FUT transplant, is a licensed medical professional with experience in these types of surgeries. That’s exactly what Dr. Yazdan is, and he utilizes that experience to make sure all his patients walk out of the door looking younger & feeling more confident than ever before.
Remember, going for the cheap option when it comes to an important medical procedure is never a good idea. You spend less money in that moment, but you end up paying far more in the long run, physically, financially & emotionally. Make sure you get it done right the first time, and make sure a real professional is taking care of your hair.
Visit us online to learn more about our clinic & procedures, and be sure to get in touch to schedule your consultation today.