The Bald Truth: Debunking Hair Transplant Myths (Part 2)
Myth #7: An Unlimited Amount of Hair Can Be Extracted from the Scalp.
Fact: Don’t let false advertisements fool you with this one. The amount of hair that can be extracted depends on your donor hairs (I.E. the back of the scalp). There is a limitation of the amount of grafts that can be extracted in a single session so choose your hair restoration surgeon wisely and do your homework. If more than the safe amount of hair follicles are extracted, you run a higher risk of complications including the success rate (or lack of) the transplanted hairs, there will also be significant thinning in the donor area making it easily detectable that a procedure was performed. Choosing a reputable hair restoration surgeon alike Dr. Yazdan with high success rates is your best option for an aesthetically pleasing outcome.
Myth #8: Someone else’s hair is or can be used.
Fact: If you attempted this – your body would actually reject the hair unless the hair was coming from your identical twin. Alike a kidney transplant, hair transplants only involve the use of your own body hair whether the hair follicles are harvested from the back of the scalp (most common donor area), the beard, the chest, arms, legs, etc. Those hair follicles are then transplanted to the recipient area of hair loss.
Myth #9: Larger grafts produce more density than smaller grafts.
Fact: The density of the hair depends upon the number of grafts transplanted and not on the size of the graft. In fact, larger grafts may result in unnatural looking hair – think of the olden days when “Hair Plugs” were used. In fact, part of Dr. Yazdan’s practice is the repair of those unsightly hair transplants that used large “plug” grafts.
Myth #10: Hair Transplants Only Work on Men.
Fact: This myth has restrained many women from seeking a hair restoration surgery when in reality, they should understand that a hair transplant works effectively for both male and female-pattern baldness. Though baldness in women is slightly different from men and the supply of donor hairs are comparatively smaller in women – they can still seek a hair restoration specialist to see if they would be a suitable candidate.
Myth #11: You Must Take Medication Indefinitely to Keep the Transplanted Hairs in Place.
Fact: The reality is just the opposite. The transplanted hairs will be permanent, and you don’t have to take medication throughout your life for them to be permanent. The reason for this is that the transplanted hairs are DHT resistant. DHT is the hormone responsible for both male and female-pattern hair loss.
Myth #12: Hair Transplantation Surgery is Very Painful.
Fact: Most people don’t realize that a hair transplant surgery – both FUE and FUT/Strip method are carried out under local anesthesia and you will suffer from little to no pain during the procedure and after its completion. At most, you may feel a little discomfort, but most patients can enjoy a movie or read a book while the procedure is taking place. Most patients can expect to get back to their normal everyday lives within just a few days.
Still have more doubts? No need to worry – a transparent and confidential consultation with a top hair restoration surgeon can evaluate the health of your hair and scalp to give you your specific treatment options of both surgical and/or non-surgical procedures to give you peace of mind. At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan will carefully access the donor area, check if the new hair in your scalp will grow after treatment and will match the texture & quality of your existing hair and then decide whether you are suitable for a hair transplant surgery or not.
For more Hair Transplant myths vs facts, read part I of this article.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link