Do you deep condition your hair?
Do you deep condition your hair? If not, you could be missing out on some great hair benefits. Deep conditioning involves soaking the hair in a serum treatment for a minimum 5 minutes up to overnight and can be done every time you wash your hair or just once a week. It’s a flexible, tailorable way to restore your hair’s luster, shine, health, bounciness, and hydration.
Deep conditioning your hair is the latest trend to keep your hair shiny, hydrated, and healthy. It’s simple and tailorable to your needs. Deep conditioning methods range from in-shower conditioners to leave-in’s to overnight treatments. You can even make your products at home by utilizing stuff in your kitchen (products like coconut oil, butter, eggs, and avocado make great deep conditioning mask ingredients!). Deep conditioning should be done as needed. For some, this is 5 mins in the shower every time they wash their hair, for others, this is a leave-in treatment overnight once a week. Deep conditioning can be done as much or as little as you need.
Below are some benefits to deep conditioning your hair on the regular.
Damage prevention. Deep conditioning your hair regularly helps prevent split ends and keep hair healthy and moisturized. The only way to treat split ends is to prevent them from occurring. So don’t skip out on the deep conditioning! It’s a crucial part to your hair care routine.
Moisturizing. If your hair has been feeling the heat or dryness lately, a deep conditioning mask could be just the thing you need. Due to the hair-loving ingredients and the extended soaking time, your hair is able to soak up the much-needed nutrients.
Adds shine and luster. It’s no surprise when your hair is hydrated it looks better. Giving your hair the nutrients it needs shows; your hair will be shinier and more lustrous.
Give deep conditioning a try today!