Depression caused by hair loss
The appearance of our hair plays a big role in our overall appearance. It’s no surprise to many that our self-esteem is directly tied to our mood and self-worth. For those who have experienced hair loss, it is not uncommon for them to suffer from low self-esteem, low self-worth, and depression.
This is especially common in individuals who would not expect to be experiencing the hair loss they are. This can be because they are too young or female, it can also occur when the hair loss is a result of an underlying medical condition. Regardless of the cause of hair loss or demographic of the patient, hair loss can have a tremendous effect on our overall well-being.
If you are experiencing hair loss and are suffering from depression as a result, know that you’re not alone. We all like to look and feel our best. In fact, looking and feeling out best is directly tied to our happiness.
The first step in addressing your hair loss is to visit a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. After all medical conditions have been ruled out, take comfort in knowing you have options. There have been tremendous advancements in hair restoration both surgical and nonsurgical.
Here at Modena, we specialize in more than just hair transplant surgeries. Dr. Yazdan is skilled in the medical management of hair loss and alternative methods to stimulate hair growth. The best way to fight hair loss is to be proactive. Hair loss, if not treated, often continues to get worse over time. Give us a call today to see what options you may be a candidate for.