Eyebrow Hair Restoration Case Study
A new entry has just been added to Modena’s male hair loss success stories!
Diagnosis: FUE transplant – Age: 38 – Sex: Male
Here are the exceptional results of Dr. Yazdan’s work on a patient suffering from scarred eyebrows due to an accident. Loss of eyebrow hair can be associated with aging and an easy way to rejuvenate one’s appearance is to focus on restoring thinning brows.
As in our more commonly performed scalp procedures the patient was sucessfully treated with follicular unit extraction (FUE) a surgical technique which involves harvesting groups of 1 to 4 hairs, called follicular units from the patient’s own body from a site known as the ‘donor area.’ Dr. Yazdan’s skill can be particularly noted in his restoration of the large gap which had formed at the outer end of the patient’s eyebrow.
The impressive aesthetic results have given another satisfied patient a more youthful appearance as well as improved facial symmetry.