Eyebrow hair transplants
Hair transplants aren’t just for scalps. Thanks to modern hair transplant techniques, other areas of the body that people often want hair coverage on, like the eyebrows and beard, are now able to benefit from transplanted hair.
Eyebrow hair transplants allow individuals to have a thicker, fuller eyebrow. The process is similar to scalp hair transplants and has had great success. Even celebrities have gotten in on this treatment.
There are many reasons one may want a thicker, fuller eyebrow.
One reason is style. Eyebrow styles have varied drastically over the past century. From extremely thin to unkempt, and everywhere in between. For many, over-plucking and over-waxing has caused the eyebrow to thin and stop growing in. The style for the past 10+ years has been a thicker, fuller brow, and it seems this style is here to stay.
Another reason is a hair loss condition known as alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system mis-recognizes the hair follicles as foreign bodies and tries to eliminate them.
The last reason is an underlying medical condition. Thyroid issues such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism often cause eyebrow hair loss.
Eyebrow hair transplants can help individuals suffering from these causes of eyebrow hair loss have the eyebrows they desire.
Eyebrow hair transplants are permanent and involve taking healthy, growing follicles from the scalp and transplanting them into the desired shape in the brow. These hairs then grow in naturally, as your own hair does.
While make-up is a temporary, short-term option many choose to achieve a fuller brow, this isn’t the right choice for everyone. Men, those not skilled in make-up, or those short on time, may not be able to fill in their eyebrows with make-up.
Permanent or semi-permanent make-up, also known as tattooing or micro-blading is also an option some choose. Tattooing of the brows often leaves behind a solid line in a grayish-black pigment. This doesn’t appear natural or hair-like, and seems to worsen as the pigment fades over time. Micro-blading is often times natural looking as it involves adding pigment in a sweeping motions that makes it appear as individual hair. Unfortunately, it’s not your natural hair and isn’t a permanent solution to eyebrow hair loss.
Eyebrow hair transplants are the only permanent solution to get the thicker, fuller, natural brows you desire. If you’re interested in learning more about this permanent eyebrow hair loss solution, give us a call for a free consultation today.