The Truth Behind Eyebrow Transplants
“I felt completely naked without my penciled brows,” explains Ashley Wilkins, “which made life very difficult. I tried brow-growth serums, Rogaine, hair pills — anything I could think of. Nothing worked. I finally decided that getting a brow transplant was the solution for me.”
Growing up with wiry, loose or bushy looking eye brows causes many men and women to either thread them into shape, get them waxed, or constantly pluck and repluck them. All of this can cause tissue damage and unwanted friction.
Others like Ashley tried all of the above and even went further into over-the-counter products and add-ons. But these gimmicky products and services often proved to be just that – gimmicky. They aren’t permanent and require life-long corrections – like a college English paper from hell that never stops needing revision.
Doesn’t it make more sense to have one small procedure and settle the matter for good?
How does an eyebrow transplant work? The procedure involves the individual placement of single hairs in the natural growth pattern of your previous eyebrow hair. You simply create a stencil for your ideal eyebrows, petite or full, luscious or curvy, and the doctor fills out the hair pattern using your naturally growing hairs! The meticulous placement of as many as several hundred hairs can restore eyebrows to their most natural appearance. As seen below.
“I received a lot of criticism when I first told friends and family I was going to have eyebrow hair transplants,” Ashley explains. “No one understood — because their brows were all fully intact. Now, with all said and done, the friends who once judged me say I look amazing. They’ve completely changed their minds about the whole thing. I have never regretted my decision to undergo the surgery.”
“And, eyebrow hair transplants aren’t just for the over-plucked: People who suffer from scars, naturally sparse hair growth, or misshapen brows can all benefit. The process sounds daunting, but it goes by faster than you can imagine — and I promise you will never look back. I haven’t.”
Want to settle the matter for good? Contact Dr. Amir in Newport Beach at 888-717-5273 or visit
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.