Can a Hair Transplant Surgery Make Your Forehead Appear Smaller?
It is perfectly normal for us to prefer certain facial features over others. If you find yourself self-conscious about having a large forehead then first of all, don’t worry – you’re not alone! Whether you were born that way or over the years you’ve begun to see one of the tell-tale signs of aging – a receding forehead where the hairline slowly retreats further back onto the scalp – many of us have been there.
If you struggle to love the way your forehead makes you look, there are plenty of beauty tips and tricks both men and women can try. For example, contouring the hairline is a great and simple tip to help create the ‘illusion’ of a smaller forehead – you can use hair shadows, colored dry shampoos etc. to pull this off like a pro. However, some people are looking for a more permanent solution to their hair loss or receding hairline so for the sole purpose of this article we will elaborate on how a hair transplant procedure can dramatically lower the hairline turning your 5-head back into a 4-head!
A much more permanent solution for reducing the appearance of a large forehead is a hair transplant. This is done either using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both procedures take place under local anesthesia and the method used would be determined by Dr. Yazdan’s recommendations and what he decides is appropriate for the patient’s specific needs. If your desired outcome is to bring the hairline forward, then the hair follicles would be harvested from a recipient area also known as the donor site (i.e. back of the scalp) and are then transplanted to the front of your hairline, thus, commanding your hairline forward and reducing the size of your forehead. So, in simple to answer the question posed in this article topic – YES, a hair transplant can and will reduce the appearance of a large forehead.
Lowering the hairline or a forehead reduction procedure via a hair transplant can be quite tricky and takes an exceptionally skilled surgeon who takes the necessary time it requires in order for the patient to get NATURAL looking results. For example, this type of procedure requires ultra-refined microscopic surgery with dense packing of grafts using some of the smallest punch tools – Dr. Yazdan is known for using some of the smallest size punch tools to yield hair transplant results that go non-detected by the naked eye. The needle size, incisions, the direction in which the sites are made on the forehead as well as the artistry your surgeon uses to draw out the shape and form of the hairline all come together and are equally as important as the next for an unrecognizable new and improved hairline!
At Modena Hair Institute, we understand that surgical procedures may not be for everyone, and it is paramount to feel confident and comfortable with not only the process, but the surgeon of your choice. Do bountiful research prior to jumping the gun and making any decisions. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
If you’d like to find out hair restoration options, we offer both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions at our clinics.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link