Why FUT Procedures are Still Valid in the Era of FUE
Over the past few years, the hype behind FUE procedures has been nothing short of overwhelming. If you aren’t too caught up on the development of hair transplant technology, this procedure eliminates a key issue people have had with the traditional method: the scar. Yet an FUT hair transplant remains a powerful option for certain candidates
To give some context, this method, known as the FUT procedure, involves taking a strip of the scalp from the back of the head, dissecting the follicles from it, and placing those in the problem areas on the patient’s head, creating more hair density and fullness to help them look younger and gain back their confidence.
This, of course, can end up leaving a small scar in the back of the scalp, although novice performers of the procedure can end up leaving larger & uneven scars due to a general lack of training & inexperience with the procedure.
Even when it’s minimal, those who wear their hair short will end up with a slight visible mark along their head, and we can understand why they would want to avoid that fate. For them, the FUE procedure, which we offer at Modena’s Southern California & Nevada locations, is a game-changer.
Breaking it down to basics, the doctor performing this will use a small circular blade called a punch to create individual incisions around each hair follicle, extracting the follicles from the donor area by hand. From there, the doctor creates the recipient sites on the patient’s scalp where those will eventually be transplanted.
What’s essential in all this, however, is that a doctor performs the procedure, not their technicians. Furthermore, the doctor needs to be capable of performing the surgery with many different instruments and devices, as not one device is compatible with every patient.
The other determinant of their success is the quality and size of the instruments the surgeon uses during the procedure. FUE can be done with different size punches ranging from 0.7mm all the way to 1.5mm. When a small diameter punch is used, such as Dr. Yazdan’s 0.7 millimeter punch, they can precisely harvest follicles from the donor area with minimal trauma to the surrounding follicles. Furthermore, harvesting small grafts allows them to be placed closer in the hairline to create a more dense & natural-looking procedure, while allowing the patient to heal much quicker.
When a large punch is used, it creates too wide of a hole, increasing healing time in the donor zone, while the end result is a larger graft that requires a larger recipient site to be created. This can lead to unnatural results & a delayed healing process.
Regardless of the procedure you want done, Modena Hair Institute has offices in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, and Las Vegas which specialize in both FUE and FUT procedures. Dr. Yazdan performs these transplants himself at all three practices, using the smallest punches and the most advanced technologies available. His surgical team and staff has been the same for past 7 years, and their teamwork has resulted in real results for countless patients.
It seems, then, that getting an FUE procedure done by a professional is the only way to get this procedure done! Why bother with the strip method at all?
Well, we wouldn’t be so hesitant to knock down the traditional way of doing things. For starters, the FUE method doesn’t necessarily work for everyone.
If you need more than 2,000 grafts, or even 3,000-4,000, your other option would be to opt for the strip procedure. With the FUT transplant procedure, the doctor is generally able to obtain a larger number of grafts, reducing the need for the patient to undergo a 2nd surgery.
For patients undergoing the FUT procedure, especially those who need a larger number of grafts, we recommend you wear your hair a little longer in the donor zone, that way the small scar would never be seen. Besides that, we imagine you’d prefer to have one surgery that offers the maximum results. We also generally recommend the FUT method for women seeking hair restoration, as the FUE method requires the back of the scalp to be shaved.
If you visit Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan will bring his years of experience as a physician & hair restoration surgeon to the table, and you can be confident that only the most precise hands & tools will be put to work on your hair.
Visit our website to learn more, and be sure to get in touch with us today to schedule your consultation!