FUT Hairline and Crown Restoration – Case Study
Our patient travelled to us from the state of New Mexico sharing that he had done a lot of research on a hair transplant surgery, and wanted to meet with Dr. Amir Yazdan to receive an unbiased surgical recommendation.
Being that Dr. Yazdan regularly performs both FUE and FUT/Strip surgeries he discussed both options with this patient and went over the pros and cons of each hair transplant surgery method. Ultimately the patient decided to move forward with the FUT/Strip procedure. This method allows Dr. Yazdan to harvest more grafts in one sitting which meant we could address both the patients empty crown area as well as his hairline.
Almost a year later our patient has returned to share his life changing results.
To find out which method is best for you schedule a free surgical consultation with Dr. Yazdan at Modena Hair Institute by emailing info@modenahair.com or call (949) 374-2563