The Importance of Medical Management of Hair Loss
Hair loss prevention is just as important as hair restoration surgery. When prospective patients come to Modena Hair Institute in Orange County, Beverly Hills or Las Vegas, they are primarily concerned with recovering or restoring their lost hair. Usually they’ve began to notice excessive shedding in the shower or thinning on the crown or frontal region when brushing their hair in the mirror. This triggers an anxious autodidactic (self-teaching) journey into the symptoms, causes and remedies of hair loss.
On that note, we always say that any research is good research. Patient review sites like Realself are invaluable guides to accurate vetting of surgeons and their clinics. We also recommend looking through the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS) database for a qualified hair restoration surgeon close to you.
Modena Hair Institute’s own Dr. Amir Yazdan holds strong affiliations with both of the aforementioned institutions.
View his IAHRS profile
View his Realself profile.
Now back to our story. After an initial internet study of pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) and other related hair loss conditions, prospective patients contact us with the singular desire of total restoration. They want to get back the thickness and volume of their 20s and 30s. We want to preach against this reactionary tendency.
While various forms of hair transplant surgery like Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) can recreate and reestablish a beautiful hairline, this only tackles half the problem. Even though a hair transplant will place healthy, growing follicles into an area that has been affected by genetic pattern hair loss, it will not prevent the condition from advancing further.
Many fail to consider the equally important program of prevention and hair loss mitigation.
Unlike other common medical issues, hair loss is not a static ailment that can be treated and cured in one fell swoop. It is a progressive and life-long phenomenon that requires diligent oversight and consistent monitoring. Without some form of medical management to prevent further hair loss from occurring around the transplanted region, older hair follicles susceptible to shrinkage and thinning from a chemical called dihydrotestosterone (or DHT) can destroy all the restorative work so far done.
For this reason, all of our patients at Modena Hair Institute are provided a tailored hair loss prevention plan. One which takes into account their medical history, age, skin type, hair type and other essential variables.
Depending on the patient’s medical history, Dr. Yazdan may advise certain concentrations of minoxidil (Rogaine) and/or finasteride in conjunction with GroMD shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray. Such a combination has shown impressive results in hair regrowth and density in many of our patients.
We also employ non-surgical hair restoration techniques. Dr. Yazdan may recommend platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) mixed with stem cells to stimulate growth and promote healing. Other options we may recommend include laser light therapy, microneedling and scalp micropigmentation.
At our hair restoration clinics in Orange County, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas, we prioritize long term hair restoration results over quick fix procedures. We develop life-long relationships with our patients, many of whom return for advice and friendly consultation once a year, because we care about real life-changing results.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.