Hairline Design: How Hair Restoration Specialists Acheive Amazing Results
We all agree that first impressions matter. Your hairline, in a very real way, makes your hair’s ‘first impression’ to the world and has a profound effect on your facial appearance. As such, the Modena Hair Institute’s team has extensive experience helping patients to conquer hair loss with the latest cutting-edge surgical treatments. As always, individual factors will play a role in determining the course of your treatment. Age, gender, facial shape, racial and/or ethnic background, and the extent of the hairloss are all factors which Dr. Amir Yazdan at Modena Hair Institute will take into careful consideration when planning your individualized course of treatment. With a little consideration anyone can achieve remarkable, natural-looking results through surgical restoration and recreation of their original hairline.
How Hair Restoration Specialists Acheive Amazing Results
There are many ways in which hair transplant surgeons may design and recreate a patient’s thinning hairline. Consulting past photos of patients before their balding is an invaluable reference point for achieving optimal results. These old photos will be studied to achieve a better idea of what your hairline was like. Consulting reference photos are a great help in producing natural results and in convincingly recreating your appearance.
Proper hair density also must be taken into account. As your hairline is your hair’s ‘first impression’, specialists may focus first on the density of your frontal hairline rather than on the crown of your head to achieve ideal results. The hair grafts must be staggered too, rather than distributed evenly, for natural and aesthetically pleasing results.
Finding your restored hairline’s ideal position is also important and there are many key decisions to be made. A hairline placed too high or too low on the forehead will lead to unappealing results. Individual hairlines are also seldom perfectly straight and our specialists have found that often angling the restored hairline up or down is necessary for achieving the most natural looking results.
Dr. Yazdan makes use of the latest digital imaging software which, in conjunction with a careful consultation of old photos, determines the ideal position of your restored hairline.
In designing the curve and overall shape of your hairline, specialists will also take into account the shape of your face. For example, people with wider faces tend to have better results with a wider arching hairline. Conversely those whose facial features are more narrow often find that ideal results are achieved by designing a narrower curve for the hairline. The most natural looking results occur when the hairline compliments the natural shape of a patient’s face and our specialists are here to help you find the ideal aesthetic proportions of your restored hairline.
The angle of the individual hair grafts can make all the difference when it comes to natural looking results. If the hair grafts are poorly placed, the hair may seem to sprout in all directions. Carefully considering the angle of the hair in a given part of the scalp can help improve the overall results of the restoration procedure and make the hairline look totally natural.
Along with designing the ideal shape of your restored hairline comes the proper placement of the individual grafts. Proper placement of hair grafts is one of the most important factors in achieving natural looking results. Poorly placed hair grafts will seem to grow in all directions. Consequently, at Modena Hair Institute in Southern California and Las Vegas, we take the angle of hair into careful consideration when working on your hairline to ensure that the results look completely natural, healthy and aesthetically pleasing.
Experience Matters
Hair restoration is a science and an art. With the many factors and considerations that come into play, it’s vital that you work with the best hair restoration specialists In pursuing the course of your treatment. Years of experience in the aesthetic process of hair restoration will help our team of specialists to design the best restored hairline for you. Their equally extensive experience in the particular and practical aspects of hair restoration surgery will then easily make that design, and your hair restoration dream, a reality.
Contact an experienced hair restoration specialist today for more information about hair restoration surgery and how it can help you and your hair achieve their best look for your best life. The team here at Modena Hair Institute looks forward to your visit and to discussing these issues with you in a personalized consultation session.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.