How We Design Your Restored Hairline
When somebody looks you straight in the face your hairline is one of the first things they’re bound to see. We all know that first impressions often exert a significant influence on subsequent interactions. Now unfortunately, given its prominence, the hairline is often one of the first regions of the scalp where thinning is observed in men with genetically patterned hair loss. For these reasons, surgically rebuilding the hairline is a matter of special attention and importance for our hair transplant specialists.
Given its central importance for the overall aesthetic effectiveness of the hair transplant procedure new patients are almost universally inclined to ask what their restored hairline will look like. Some of them haven’t had a hairline to speak of for years and the questions of shape and symmetry are important. Hairlines can be flat and well defined, symmetrical, asymmetrical, staggered, feathered, and may or may not involve a widow’s peak. The truth is that, in the face of such bewildering options, there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to restored hairlines. Aesthetics are highly individual and what looks good on one patient may not flatter the facial features of another. The treatment that would be called for in the case of a young patient with progressive and uncertain loss would often not be the same as that required by an older patient with more stable and limited hair loss. To put it briefly, hairlines must be carefully considered, designed and customized for every patient individually.
Now, let’s talk about some of the specific ways Dr. Amir Yazdan goes about restoring our patients hairlines. The ancient Greeks were fond of saying that beauty lies in harmony and proportion. Therefore, in designing the curve and overall shape of your hairline our specialists will carefully take account of the general shape of your face. For example, people with wider faces tend to have better results with a wider arching hairline. Conversely those whose facial features are more narrow often find that ideal results are achieved by designing a narrower curve for the hairline.
The most natural looking results occur when the hairline compliments the natural shape of a patient’s face; therefore, a hairline placed too high or too low on the forehead will lead to unappealing results. Individual hairlines are also seldom perfectly straight and our specialists have found that often angling the restored hairline up or down is necessary for achieving the most natural looking results. Here at Modena Hair Institute Dr. Yazdan implements the latest digital imaging software to determine the ideal position of your restored hairline.
Besides a general consideration of facial aesthetics Dr. Yazdan can work from any older photos you may have to recreate a hairline very much like the one you used to have. We find that consulting photos of a patient before balding to be an invaluable point of reference for achieving optimal results. These old photos will be studied to achieve a better idea of what your hairline was like. Consulting reference photos are a great help in producing natural results and in convincingly recreating your appearance.
Doing the exact same hairline on two different patients almost never happens. Hair transplants are carefully personalized procedures and the way one patient’s hairline ‘ought to look’ is always unique and highly individual. This is because transplanted hairlines must be customized. Patients must be careful to select clinics who are able to showcase a wide variety of hairlines; not a single stock hairline that gets slapped, assembly line style, onto the head of every patient who comes through the door.
Your surgeon must take all the relevant aspects into account and, after careful deliberation, craft a plan that fits your individual case as precisely as possible. A carefully personalized hairline can only turn out one way: natural and flattering. When considering clinics, be sure to ask the doctor what he or she plans to do for your specific hairline, their reasoning for recommending such an approach, and ask to see examples of other similar hairlines if available. Otherwise, you may end up in the awkward situation of asking a second doctor what your hairline should have looked like, and whether or not they can possibly salvage it with a further procedure.
For more information about restoring your hairline or to discuss any questions you may have regarding our available procedures, be sure to contact our hair restoration center today. At Modena Hair Institute we pride ourselves on consistently providing our patients with the highest standard of custom hair restoration treatment available, directly tailored to their individual needs. We are eagerly awaiting your visit or digital consultation. Contact us today!
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.