Is a Low-Cost Hair Restoration Clinic a Good Choice?
A cheap hair transplant may prove to be exactly that – a cheap substitute for a very specialized procedure carried out by a suitably experienced and skillful hair loss physician.
The hair restoration industry is growing like wild fire as more and more men and women seek assistance with their hair loss concerns. As the demand for services like hair transplants, PRP therapy, and scalp micropigmentation rises, so does the number of “businesses” offering such services. Some clinics even offer hair transplants and other hair restoration procedures at a bargain, and let us warn you – you don’t’ want to be shopping for a low-cost hair restoration procedure or treatment of any type that’s easier on the pocketbook unless you’re prepared for the unruly results that comes with it that even your top hair transplant surgeons alike Dr. Yazdan are unable to fix – this isn’t the case always but many times, patients with a botched hair transplant must be turned away due to several factors including insufficient donor hair remaining.
Think about it. For most people suffering from hair loss, the decision to undergo a hair transplant surgery is one of the biggest you will ever make. It can change your life for the good – or it can change it for the bad. It’s your responsibility to do your homework and find a reputable surgeon with a dedicated surgical team. For many, a hair transplant procedure is positive and is an extremely rewarding experience. For others that choose to ‘get a bang for their buck,’ well… this can lead to heartache and misery. There are plenty of hair loss forums, videos and threads out there proving this.
Don’t Let Them Take Advantage of Your Sensitive Problem
Hair loss is an extremely sensitive problem for both men and women and people become desperate to get back the hair they once had. They worry about whether or not they can afford such treatments and there are plenty of low-cost “bargain” clinics waiting to take advantage of this. We understand, it takes a lot of courage to seek help when it comes to balding, hair loss, or your hair thinning concerns – these cheap clinics do too, by luring people in with discount hair restoration solutions. Low-cost hair loss clinics are often being ran by immoral or inexperienced individuals who are not licensed or do not have the experience or qualifications to treat patients properly. They can offer cheap hair loss solutions because they cut corners and jeopardize the safety of patients.
The Risky Business
Putting all your trust – and your hair – in one of these unethical clinics is a risky business. There is no way of knowing whether or not an unlicensed or inexperienced physician meets hygiene and safety standards…until its too late and you’re being treated for a scalp infection. Not only that, but your hair restoration treatment often can make you look worse than you did before. Board certified hair restoration specialist and ISHRS member, Dr. Yazdan, has had countless inquiries on hair transplant repairs because of these shameless clinics and we are alarmed by the number of patients we’ve seen who’ve had inferior quality hair transplants performed at outside budget clinics. Whether it’s been odd angling and position of the hair due to bad graft placement, terrible infections, or atrocious scars from an FUT/Strip surgery.
It may be tempting to jump on a good deal that comes across your computer screen when researching hair restoration surgery, however, be wise and stay far away from these. The last thing you want is to end up looking worse with an uneven hairline or a patchy crown due to physicians cutting corners at the expense of you! Consider a hair transplant as an investment in yourself and opt for a licensed and reputable surgeon who specializes in solely, hair restoration.
At Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan is a board certified cosmetic surgeon specializing in hair restoration. You may have seen him consult and perform hair loss treatments on shows such as Dr. Phil, The Doctors, and is also a RealSelf top hair restoration surgeon. Put your ‘scalp’ in the hands of the professionals and you will get the results you desire and deserve. You’ve heard the saying, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.”
Southern California & Las Vegas Hair Restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan, can often give the results patients’ desire in a single FUE or FUT/Strip hair transplant surgery, with future sessions to follow only if necessary. Dr. Yazdan personally performs each hair transplant in Beverly Hills, Orange County and Las Vegas surgical clinics at his surgical center, utilizing a dedicated team throughout the entire process. He is involved in every aspect of the procedure in order to ensure the best possible hair restoration results and is committed to performing only one surgery per day in order to provide patients with the undivided attention they deserve.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link