Medical Reasons for Acquiring a Hair Transplant
Just as some men and women may need a liver or kidney transplant, there are patients who could reap the benefits of a hair transplant. While hair loss is not a life-threatening condition itself, severe or sudden hair loss caused by an underlying medical illness can vastly affect one’s body-image and self-esteem which may result in severe depression and anxiety.
As a natural inclination – people tend to think mental health is not as imperative as one’s physical health, in reality – the two are intricately interlinked. Here we’ll discuss some of the most common medical conditions that are the culprit to men and women’s hair loss.
Thyroid Disease might arguably be known as the most common medical condition resulting in severe shedding of the hair. Hormonal changes caused by a defective thyroid gland can result in permanent hair loss if not treated in the initial stages. In the preliminary stages of this disease, the loss of hair may be controlled with various medications that regulate and correct the dysfunctional gland. In the more progressive stages, some of the effects of the disease become more aggressive and when this happens, a hair restoration procedure may become essential.
Scalp infections, especially fungal infections can cause hair loss. Depending how severe the case has become, patients often become great candidates for medical management treatments such as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) or low level laser therapy along with an FUE or FUT/Strip Hair Transplant.
Medications can also have side effects including hair loss. It is widely known that chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer patients can wipe out your entire head of hair. Gratefully, this is generally reversible once the treatment has concluded. Medications for chronic illnesses such as arthritis, depression and heart disease can be a direct effect as well. Due to patients needing to take these drugs indefinitely, the resulting hair loss may become irreversible.
Diabetes can also play a role in your hair loss. In fact, hair loss is generally an early sign that this disease is present – likely since the blood supply to the skin becomes compromised. Applicable hair growth requires adequate circulation and appropriate delivery of nutrients to the cells in the hair follicles. When this process is disrupted, hair loss may occur. While the damage can be reversed with a fitting medical management regimen, there are instances in which the balding becomes so severe in later stages, that it requires a hair restoration procedure.
Autoimmune diseases such as lupus acts in a comparable way to diabetes; affecting the blood circulation to the scalp. In Hashimoto’s disease, some people experience thinning hair or copious amounts of hair falling out in the shower or sink. Changes is hair texture can make it dry, coarse, or easily tangled. Psoriasis can affect the entire body; when the scalp is impacted, psoriasis can be severe and result in scales, redness and sometimes itching. Although psoriasis typically does not cause ‘large’ amounts of hair loss – if the scaling on the scalp is very tight, the hairs’ diameter may change and cause breakage.
Poor nutrition has also been known to cause hair loss due to insufficient protein and iron which is typically reversible with proper nutrition.
As with all other medical conditions that result in hair loss, the underlying cause must be treated and even so- it does not always automatically result in regrowth of the hair. If this has been present for a prolonged period, you may need to seek out an experienced hair transplant surgeon like Dr. Yazdan to assess your individual situation and concerns to find a proper surgical or non-surgical treatment plan that best fits you and your needs.
If you are thinking about a hair restoration procedure due to one of the medical conditions discussed, keep in mind – an FUE or Strip hair transplant can take up most of the day – from start to finish. It’s critical you do your research in finding a qualified hair restoration surgeon like Beverly Hills specialist, Dr. Yazdan, that only performs one surgery per day in order to take the appropriate amount of time required for an unrecognizable hair transplant. Many doctors will try and drive out 2-3 surgeries in one day for economic gain, all at the expense of patients. Hair loss can take a toll on one’s self-image; the last thing you need is a bad or botched hair transplant in addition.
Think your hair loss might be caused by a serious underlying condition? At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan specializes in the medical management of hair loss. Upon reviewing medical history and patient records, as well as testing and analyzing a small sample of the patient’s hair follicle and scalp tissue, he can determine the cause of your specific hair loss.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link