Mike Majlak’s Hair Transplant
We recently wrote a post on how millennials and even gen z patients are losing more hair than previous generations.
Androgenic alopecia (pattern baldness) can cause thinning of a person’s hair as early as their teens and early 20s. More than 80% of men experience hair loss by the age of 40 and nearly half of women experience the same throughout their lifetime.
This adds up to hundreds of millions of people struggling with hair loss around the globe. More and more celebrities are turning to hair restoration surgery to keep their luscious and flowing locks.
But does hair transplantation surgery really work? Who’s undergone a celebrity hair transplant? Is a new full head of hair achievable?
Yes, many, and yes!
The list of successful hair transplants is growing yearly:
- John Travolta
- Elon Musk
- Louis Walsh
- Joe Swash
- David Beckham
- Wayne Rooney
- Gordon Ramsay
- Ben Affleck
- Chris Hemsworth
- Brad Pitt
- Naomi Campbell
- Tyra Banks
- Keira Knightley
- Kristin Davis
- Fergie Duhamel
- Stephanie Davis
- Oprah Winfrey
- Jennifer Aniston
Mike Majlak, 37 years old, is a Youtube personality known for his association with fellow Youtube star Logan Paul, and their well known podcast ‘Impaulsive’. For many years Mike has been a highly popular Los Angeles socialite and celebrity. He’s also famous for wearing hats and other head gear to hide his thinning hair.
In a recent video uploaded to his vlog channel, a series called ‘The Night Shift’, Mike explains why he made the decision to finally get a hair transplant.
He explained how for years he was self-conscious about his receding hairline and wasn’t sure if a surgical solution was right for him. He held stereotypes about it’s validity and cosmetic effectiveness.
But that changed over the years and his excitement about his operation was palpable!
The results? Mike and his entire entourage were pleased with the results, and the change was as clear as day. Mike could see the lowering of his new hairline and was ecstatic about the future!