Poor Donor Closure – Corrected

For many hair transplant patients, traditional FUT using strip excision is still the best method to transplant the most hair in a given hair transplant session efficiently.
This is especially true for the hair transplant patient that has good hair density and has no desire to ever keep his/her hair extremely short in the back where the donor scar could be visible.
Most experienced hair transplant surgeons like Dr. Yazdan are proficient in advanced surgical techniques that the donor scar is barely visible to the eye even on close inspection. What was unusual about this case (Fig. 1) is that the patient had just had a strip excision hair transplant by another surgeon and was experiencing a lot of pain. His wife felt that the donor closure did not look right and seemed crude and the scalp was buckling.

Dr. Yazdan immediately noted the poor closure technique and recommend that he re-excise the area and close the wound using proper trycophitic donor closure technique (Fig. 2). The procedure went well and the patient left with little discomfort. the sutures were removed in 10 days and upon follow up 6 months later the donor scar line was virtually invisible (Fig. 3).