Post Hair Transplant: SURVIVAL GUIDE
Undergoing hair transplant surgery is a unique and rare opportunity to show off the confidence you gain with your new look! However, there are some tips experts like Dr. Yazdan recommends, ensuring the best results possible. Failure to follow your post hair transplant procedure with the proper care can result in damage to hair and even further hair loss.
Ok, so now you’re getting ready for your hair transplant. How exciting! Here are some great, in depth tips to help you prepare and survive your recovery.
No Smoking and No Alcohol- You should not be consuming any alcohol prior to your transplant surgery and waiting at least 3 days after. Also, smoking is just a bad idea- smoking constricts blood vessels and thus leads to decreased blood supply and poor wound healing by lowering oxygenation in tissues.
Sleeping- Your sleeping situation is crucial, a semi-sitting position for the first several nights is a prerequisite. Feel free to spend the next few nights snoozing away on your Lazy Boy recliner would work just as well. The goal is keeping your head elevated to help reduce any swelling after the procedure.
The Morning After Surgery- Typically, most doctors such as Dr. Yazdan will have you come back the following morning for your follow-up to assess the affected areas. He will then give you ample information on how to care for the grafts during the healing period. Your surgeon should schedule several future appointments for the coming months to ascertain the grafts are healing correctly and ensuring your satisfied with the results. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan will schedule your future appointments for the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months following to keep a close eye on the progress of your new head of hair.
Ice Packs- Make sure to keep several ice packs on hand as you may have some swelling across the forehead, temple or ears. Not to worry-this is completely normal and just a part of the healing process. CAUTION: Never place the ice (or anything for that matter other than gauze) directly on the transplanted area following an FUE or FUT/Strip transplant procedure.
Pain Management (Different from Medical Management)- Generally speaking, most hair transplant patients experience minimal pain (if any) and discomfort is rarely noted. You may feel some tension or burning which will subside within the first week. If you should have some mild discomfort, Tylenol is sufficing to ease any pain you may be experiencing. If that doesn’t seem to do the trick, you can ask your doctor for a prescription for pain relief. Significant pain or discomfort is extremely rare, and you should call your doctor immediately if it persists.
Washing Your Hair- Your physician should supply you with some gentle shampoo, otherwise baby shampoo can be picked up at your local store. Find something with several natural ingredients with the least amount of additives to avoid any irritation of the recipient and donor areas. As a leading surgeon in Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan spent many years formulating the perfect hair loss prevention and regrowth shampoo recipe including a proprietary blend of DHT Blockers as part of medical management for all our patients. (for more information on GroMD shampoo please call our office today) Make sure to gently wash the hair as proper hair wash is essential and plays a key role in your outcome- your doctor should explain exactly how to wash your hair, however if you have any questions on proper care- do not hesitate in asking your doctor before proceeding. This is very important! Do not wash your hair or touch the transplanted area for the first 24 hours. It’s vital not to allow running water to flow onto your head at all during this time.
Scabs and Crusting- While this should stay at minimum, especially with an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and if your transplant is performed by a skilled surgeon. However, you may experience light scabbing in the days following your hair restoration procedure. It’s important to keep the area moist to reduce any irritation. You may use an ointment such as Aquaphor over the healing areas. Whatever you do- DO NOT pick at any scabs or crusting.
Avoid Strenuous Activity- I know this is a hard one for us Southern Californian’s as working out in the gym is just a natural part of our everyday existence, but this is a big no-no. Patients need to avoid all physical and strenuous activities that will make the heart rate rise above a resting position for at least the first week of recovery. Patients should also be careful getting in and out of their vehicles so that they avoid hitting, rubbing or grazing their heads. The hair follicles can very easily move or dislodge if you’re not careful.
Practicing Patience- The ‘hurry up and wait’ game, some would argue this being the most relevant tip for someone who is enduring a hair transplant recovery to simply, be patient! The first several months the grafts are still in their healing phase. The good news is, once you can get past the first 3-4 months you will start producing all the new hair you so badly desired and you can sit in front of a mirror to watch your hair GROW! Well, not exactly but you get the picture. At your 9-12 month mark your grafts should be finished producing hair and now you can reap all the benefits of looking decades younger! At this point, and with an honorable, well qualified surgeon, there should be minimal evidence that a hair transplant procedure took place. Even upon close inspection, no one will be able to tell without prior knowledge of it.
These are a few healthy tips to help you get through your hair transplant surgery with the best results and a faster recovery and to prevent infection from occurring. Every surgeon has their own regimen and it is always advisable to follow your doctors own post-op instructions.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link