Reasons You’re Prematurely Graying
Salt and Pepper, Silver, Pewter, Charcoal – call it what you want to call it, but gray hair is gray hair! If you’ve come early to the graying game, you may blame genetics…
This happens to be one of the most common hair problems that everyone will have to face at some point in their lifetime – some people consider gray hair makes them look more distinguished, while for others, this is a nasty little sign that we’re aging! We want you to know the signs you may be prematurely developing gray or white hair and the best ways to deal with it fast.
Let’s face it, grey hair is inevitable with age. According to a recent study, about 50% of the population has gray hair by the age of 50 and nowadays, premature gray is known as one of the most common hair problems amongst young men and women. But why do some people go gray in their twenties while others don’t see the first signs of a little salt and pepper until their 50’s? “Hair goes gray when our color-producing cells stop producing pigment” explains Southern California and Las Vegas leading hair restoration specialist, Dr. Yazdan. “Our bodies naturally produce hydrogen peroxide which can also build up in the hair, bleaching the color pigments.”
Scientists have put forth the effort in discovering the cause of gray hair. In fact, we get our hairs color from melanin, which is created by melanocyte cells that are found in our hair follicles. Contrary to mainstream belief, stress has not been shown to cause gray hair necessarily. Scientist still haven’t pin-pointed why some of us less fortunate ones go gray early, but when in doubt – blame your parents because genes seem to play the biggest role that we know of. Many environmental factors can also be leading contributors, including direct exposure to sunlight.
In addition, a vitamin B-12 deficiency or problems with your thyroid glands can cause premature graying. If yours is caused by a vitamin deficiency, the fortunate news is that gray hair caused by these factors can actually be reversed, once the problem is corrected.
Other factors that could be causing you to go gray early in life include a hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, and pernicious anemia. It is also believed that a lack of iron, copper, or iodine also result in premature graying. For those of you who choose a more natural remedy, rest assured that fighting this sign of aging does not necessarily mean turning to chemical hair-dyes to recapture your youthful appearance. There are plenty of all-natural methods for reducing and even eliminating that unwanted gray.
Let’s go over a few things you can do NOW to keep your gray at bay:
- Stop smoking
- Drink up! Water that is..
- Improve circulation
- Add foods rich in Iron, B-12, copper and protein to your diet
Going gray can really affect one’s confidence when it happens; especially in your “prime” years. While some may choose to wear their lightened locks with pride, the battle against gray hair is on-going. And if all else fails…head to the salon and get yourself a fresh new color!
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link