The Truth About Female Hair Loss (& How It Can Be Treated with PRP Therapy)
A little known treatment, PRP therapy has revolutionized the way hair restoration specialists approach female hair loss. If you’re like many other people out there, you probably tend to associate hair loss with men exclusively. However, you might be surprised to learn that there are far more women suffering from it than you might expect. In fact, according to the American Hair Loss Association, 40% of women end up experiencing it by the age of 50.
Here are some of the many reasons why certain women endure hair loss in their lifetime:
As it is with men, a genetic predisposition to hair loss, referred to in this case as Female Pattern Hair Loss, is the most common cause of thinning & balding in women. Unlike men, though, women will begin to notice this occurring as the center part in the middle of their scalp begins to widen, rather than experiencing thinning in the front.
Telogen Effluvium
This form of hair loss is relatively common as well, and refers to when a large amount of hair follicles shift into the resting phase of their life cycle known as the “telogen” phase. As a result, one tends to experience a dramatic shedding of hair. This can be caused by anything from stress, to trauma, to drug use, to hormonal imbalances & nutritional issues.
Alopecia Areata
In short, this is an autoimmune disorder that can cause varying degrees of patchy hair loss in women, along with men. This can either just amount to scattered thinning, or progress as far as advanced balding with a few patches of hair clinging on.
Scarring Alopecia
As implied by the name, this refers to hair loss that results from scarring on the scalp. This can be caused by tight braiding or other hairstyles that put high stress on your hair, as well as pulling, ripping, and tearing.
This can essentially be described as a compulsion to pluck one’s hair. It might just happen while you’re performing other activities & your mind wanders off, but some also find themselves doing it in habitual patterns. This, of course, causes scarring alopecia over a long period of time, along with permanent hair loss. In this case, before any treatment can be done for the hair, the psychological issue has to be handled.

Regardless of how women encounter it, it can be a devastating ordeal for them to suffer through, oftentimes making a significant impact on their self-esteem. Since a lack of confidence can lead to difficulties in many other aspects of life, it’s vital that this issue is tackled head on & in the most effective way possible. For women, we’ve found that the one true way of accomplishing that task is through the use of PRP Hair Regrowth Therapy.
The acronym stands for platelet-rich plasma, and as discussed on the Modena Hair Institute site: “PRP is a concentration of your own autologous platelets which have reservoirs filled with powerful growth factors and healing agents.”
In carrying out the procedure, “It is ‘harvested’ from your own blood. This is done by collecting a small volume of your blood and spinning it down to separate the red blood cells from the platelet cells.” After that process is completed, the extracted plasma goes through activation & gets reintroduced into you through various minor injections into the scalp. In the process, growth & stem cells that are already in the body are called to action to assist in the hair regrowth process.
This procedure has been used since the 1970s across many different medical disciplines, including pain management, sports medicine, cosmetic surgery & dentistry, along with hair restoration. It’s been clinically proven to work across multiple studies, and there’s even specific science behind why it works.
As discussed by Dr. Amir Yazdan of Modena Hair Institute:
“The presumed mechanism is that elements within the plasma, such as: platelet-derived growth factor, transforming growth factor beta, fibroblast growth factor, [etc.] help stimulate the immune and endocrine systems to decrease hair loss”
The treatment is often implemented along with hair transplant surgery, but for those who aren’t eligible for those types of procedures, like many women, PRP Hair Regrowth Therapy is an excellent way to get started on the path to a full, luscious head of hair.
There are key factors, however, that we think you should keep in mind when picking out a clinic. For starters, the person performing the procedure needs specialized equipment to fully extract the necessary PRP from the patient’s blood. As discussed in the video above, Dr.Yazdan utilizes a special procedure called the “multiple-spin technique”, along with taking advantage of natural growth factors & activators to maximize the results. As for the final factor, seeing as this is a medical procedure, we can’t stress enough that the only person who should be performing it for you is a licensed physician. We understand that here at Modena Hair Institute, and that’s why Dr. Yazdan, a board-certified hair restoration surgeon & physician, performs these procedures at his Newport, Beverly Hills & Las Vegas locations. Utilizing specialized equipment & years of experience, we’ll have your hair coming back quickly, fully, and naturally.
Learn more about the procedure & the many other services we offer on our website, and make sure you contact us to set up your consultation.