Does ‘Rogaine for Women’ Work and is it Safe?
Hair loss and thinning can have a dramatic impact on a women’s confidence and self-assurance. While it’s easy for females to feel alone in suffering from hair loss, it is actually quite common. It’s most common in women during and post-menopause, however, it can begin as early as a woman’s 20’s.
The key is to begin treatment or a hair loss regimen the moment you start noticing thinning, as most medications are shown to be most effective at the earliest stages of hair loss – Rogaine is one of them. Women’s Rogaine has the same formula as the men’s, the difference is the percentage of minoxidil (active ingredient) and recommended dosages to accommodate the differences in male and female sensitivity to the product. The American Hair Loss Institute has shown that minoxidil is often much more effective in women than in men – contrary to widespread belief. This means women need less to see growth. Women may also be more vulnerable to the side effects, which necessitate the smaller dosages. Thankfully, side effects are minor, and we will get more into that below.
What does Rogaine do for Women?
The active ingredient in Rogaine for women (and men, essentially) is Minoxidil. Minoxidil widens the blood vessels and opens potassium channels, sending more oxygen, blood flow and nutrients to the hair follicles. This will stimulate the hair follicles, promoting new growth and strengthening the hair. It is most effective at the onset stages of female-pattern hair loss, so try to start treatment as soon as you notice yourself starting to lose more hair than normal or if you start to see parts of the scalp due to the thinning of hair follicles AKA follicle miniaturization.
What is the Active Ingredient in Rogaine?
Minoxidil was originally a drug in pill form called Loniten – used to treat high blood pressure. Patients who were prescribed this medication noticed increased hair growth. By turning minoxidil into a topical solution to be applied directly on the scalp and being introduced in Rogaine in 1992, the product has become FDA approved for over-the-counter use and is now even more potent and effective. It is also the only FDA approved drug for women’s hair loss, also known as female-pattern baldness or female-pattern hair loss.
Rogaine Side Effects
Another popular belief about Rogaine for Women is that you’re going to grow hair in all the wrong places – this is exaggerated to say the least. Yes, some women have stated that they’ve grown unwarranted baby hairs past the hairline or on some parts of the face, but this is very rare and is most likely caused by improper distribution of the product, allowing it to drip down the face while applying onto the scalp. At Modena Hair Institute, we recommend wearing gloves while being very cautious as to where you are applying, only allowing it to reach the scalp and nowhere else, so just be careful. Although rare – other side effects include a dry scalp and minimal temporary shedding of the hair. Before you stop reading, don’t be alarmed… this isn’t only normal, but means it’s working! As the thin lifeless hair falls out, new healthy strands of hair begin to grow in place. Most female consumers find the benefits of having a thick head of hair outweigh the cons or minor side effects that come along with Rogaine. So, if you can withstand 2 weeks of some possible shedding, you’re in for a lifetime of Rogaine’s powerful benefits.
As with most things in life, consistency is crucial for optimal results. We like to tell our patients – it’s like brushing your teeth every day, you do it to maintain healthy teeth and gums, right? For most of us that will experience some form of hair loss and/or thinning in our lifetime, we must maintain a hair care regimen for a healthy head of hair!
Please note – while Rogaine works wonders for many women suffering from genetic hair loss, this product is not meant for treatment of other causes of hair loss (i.e. hair loss due to an underlying illness). We don’t want you to waste money on a product that may not be right for you – we highly recommend seeing a hair restoration specialist to have an evaluation prior to using Rogaine. This will ensure your hair loss is in fact hereditary and just part of the ageing process rather than something more serious.
Still not sure if Rogaine is right for you? Luckily, there are other treatments for women that suffer from hair loss. At Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan offers treatments such as Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP), Low-Level Laser therapy, and GroMD’s haircare system including a DHT blocking Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray.
*Hair Tip: For optimal results and to get your hair back without feeling self-conscious about throwing your hair up in a quick pony-tail – mixing Rogaine with GroMD’s Follicle Activator Spray has worked wonders for both men and women hair loss sufferers.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link