Which One of These is Causing Your Scalp Irritation?

Most scalp conditions will eventually lead to some type of skin rash and unfortunately…hair loss! Whether it’s hereditary, malnutrition or an infection, a pesky scalp condition can occur leaving you wearing hats every day or in severe cases, hermitizing in the comfort of your home waiting for your unsettling condition to subside. Here you’ll find a few common scalp disorders and some helpful recommendations to restore your damaged head of hair.
Scalp Psoriasis – if you have scalp psoriasis you may see red, itchy areas with white scales on your scalp. You may even see flakes of skin in your hair and on your shoulders. These plagues can extend beyond your hairline. Besides discomfort, this condition can trigger feelings of emotional distress as a result of the visible and noticeable flakes on your clothes.
Scalp Folliculitis – is an infection with mainly bacteria of the hair follicles causing inflammation of the scalp. You may see small, itchy pustules on the scalp with its most troublesome area being the frontal hairline, although it can affect anywhere on the scalp. Another term used for scalp folliculitis is “acne necrotica milaris.”
Scalp Lice – most of you are probably familiar with this term in which tiny insects live on the skin covering a substantial portion of your head, eyebrows and even eyelashes! These six-legged creatures cling to the scalp feeding on your blood and unfortunately, these pesky little creatures do not go away on their own.
Scalp Ringworm – a sigh of relief – ringworm of the scalp is not actually a worm, in fact, it is a fungal infection of not only the scalp, but your hair shafts as well. You may have itchy, scaly bald patches often with flat centers and raised borders.
Seborrheic Dermatitis – a form of scaly skin and stubborn dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disease that looks similar to psoriasis, eczema or even resembles an allergic reaction.
These skin diseases should be treated appropriately and involve the use of alleviating shampoos with active ingredients, topical creams and ointments, oral medication and systemic agents.
Using a powerhouse shampoo such as GroMD containing menthol, tea tree oil, argan oil and ketoconazole (ant-fungal) can reduce signs and symptoms significantly. ByeBye cream can also be added to your remedy as an organic and safe solution for all skin types including sensitive skin. Both GroMD and ByeBye cream are risk-free with a complete money back guarantee. For severe cases when topical solutions aren’t doing the trick, at Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan also recommends in-office or at home low level Laser Hair Therapy treatments exposing the skin to an artificial light source which works by reducing the inflammation. Dr. Yazdan sometimes suggests combining these treatments with other topical or systemic agents to enhance your results.
If you suspect you may have one or more of these feisty conditions affecting your scalp and in turn – your hair, Southern California and Las Vegas’ experienced hair restoration surgeon, Dr. Yazdan can examine your head, hair and scalp to determine the condition and can recommend the appropriate treatments and medications that can help correct and restore your hair. For instance, you may need a sample of blood drawn to check your hormone levels to determine if a thyroid problem is to blame.

For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 
