The Difference of Modena Hair Institute and the Different It Makes
Progressive Edge
Dr. Amir Yazdan takes personal pride in providing courteous and high-quality professional treatment for all his patients’ hair care needs. A zealous advocate of patient safety and hair restoration research, Dr. Yazdan combines advanced scientific knowledge with over a decade of critical experience to contrive innovative treatments options for his patients. He spends most of his time looking for better ways to treat hair loss. Dr. Yazdan is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, and ISHRS member. He fuses the best of today’s medical approaches to give you superior care and a better, more enhanced you.
Personal Commitment
Purposeful and personal attention over every surgery is Modena Hair Institute’s way of ensuring total patient comfort, happiness, and peace of mind. Apart from artistic precision and surgical mastery, Dr. Yazdan takes a complete-oversight approach to patient consultation, pre-operative, operative, and post-operative care. He is committed to helping each patient determine what solution best fits his or her individual situation, whether through hair restoration products or surgical solutions. At many hair restoration clinics, it’s anonymous technicians and assistants who will do most of the actual extraction and transplanting work. This effectively means that patients act as guinea pigs for trainees who are still learning all the particular and complex aspects of the hair restoration craft.
Following Nature
The ultimate end and aim of hair transplant work is a natural looking hairline. When it comes to graft placement, Dr. Yazdan follows the rules of nature. There are ‘assembly line’ clinics and physicians who fall short of the personalized gold standard of hair restoration treatment and perform FUE and FUT procedures without a proper understanding of growth pattern, style, flexibility, and general look of a patient’s hair. We have potential patients who worry about their hair transplant looking ‘pluggy’ or fake (which can and will happen at inexperienced clinics!), but this will never happen at Modena because we follow nature’s flow pattern. A ‘pluggy’ look is the result of a surgeon who (guess what) uses plugs! Such an incapable and inexperienced surgeon did not use naturally occurring follicular units, and so the results were unsurprisingly bad. What’s important is that patients go to a doctor who specializes exclusively in follicular unit transplantation, one who has the knowledge, experience, and artistic detail necessary to produce a natural-looking hairline. Lastly, it’s paramount to keep in mind that hair restoration is a medical ‘art.’ Medical art combines medical knowledge, mastery of advanced surgical skills and techniques as well as a keen eye enabling the accurate reproduction of what occurs naturally. Mere educational or surgical competence is only half the story, you need artistic talent and capability as well.
As you continue on your hair transplant journey, know what to look for and what questions to ask. Your hair, your appearance and your confidence deserve to be in the most capable of surgical hands.
For all matters hair contact one of our offices at 888-717-5273 or visit
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and an advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.