Aloe for healthy hair
Looking for a natural way to get healthy hair? Pure aloe may be your best friend.
Pure aloe vera comes from the aloe vera plant. It’s an all-natural resource that has a multitude of benefits. From calming skin irritation and sun-burns, to aiding digestions, aloe vera is a great natural remedy.
Recently, aloe vera has shown to have hair benefits as well. When applied to the scalp, aloe promotes hair growth, nourishes the hair follicle, reduces inflammation and swelling, and calms scalp irritation.
Why is aloe so beneficial?
Aloe contains amino acids, proteolytic enzymes, antifungal, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as a plethora of nutrients. This nutrient concoction stimulates hair growth, improves overall scalp health, and helps hair grow longer and stronger.
How can you reap the benefits of aloe?
Pure aloe vera can be found at your local health foods store in plant, extract, or supplement form. While all methods benefit the body, you’ll want to use the pure plant or bottled extract methods to reap the hair benefits.
Once you have an aloe gel concentrate, you can combine it with other hair-healthy oils to create a super-hair concoction. Great oils for your hair include castor, avocado, and sunflower oils. Combine the aloe and oil of your choice and apply to the scalp. For added benefit, try warming the oil using the hot water submersion method, and massage the aloe-oil serum into the scalp for 3-5 minutes. This warmed serum massaged into the scalp increases blood-flow and circulation, which improves hair health and stimulates growth.
How often should you use aloe?
Aloe is safe and effective so it can be used as much or as little as you like. To see desired hair results, you should utilize aloe at minimum once a week. To see faster results, apply the aloe serum before every wash.