The dangers of getting surgery abroad

Some individuals who are desperate to get a surgery or procedure done, but find themselves with a la

Is salt water good for your hair and skin?

With summer in full swing, we find ourselves spending more time at the pool and beach. With salt-wat

How to determine how many grafts you need for hair transplant surgery

The most common questions regarding hair transplants are how many grafts are needed and how much the

Is a hair transplant surgery the right choice for you?

Hair loss effects over 80% of men and 50% of women over the course of their lifetime. This extremely

Scalp massage for hair growth

Is your hair feeling unhealthy or not growing as much as it used to? Try scalp massages to bring hea

How safe is hair transplant surgery?

With any medical procedure, there is some degree of risk and safety concern involved. In general, wh

Hair transplants for hair line lowering

Many men who experience hair loss experience it in the form of a receding hair line. A receding hair

Does laser therapy for hair loss actually work?

Laser therapy for hair loss involves using red light to promote hair growth, prevent future hair los

What you need to know about Rogaine

What is Rogaine? Rogaine or Minoxidil as it’s known generically, is a topical medication used to t

How to keep oily hair in check

If you have naturally oily hair, then you are familiar with the oily hair struggle. Many individuals

8 things you should never do to your hair

There are some things that should just be plain avoided if you’re wanting to have healthy, strong,

Eyebrow hair transplants

Hair transplants aren’t just for scalps. Thanks to modern hair transplant techniques, other areas

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy for hair loss

To understand how PRP therapy is used to treat hair loss, we must first understand how PRP works. PR

Are vitamins and supplements actually effective?

Vitamin and supplement sales are one of the most profitable areas in the health industry. These vita

Sunburn prevention and recovery

It’s officially summer here in southern California. And with the nice weather comes more time spen

Are you a candidate for hair transplant surgery?

Hair loss effects over 80% of men over their lifetime and over 50% of women over their lifetime. Thi

The benefits of going organic with your hair and skin care products

While many are familiar with the benefits of eating organic food, not as many are familiar with the

Do you have folliculitis hair loss?

Folliculitis is a common skin condition that can affect any hair follicle on the body. Folliculitis
