Congratulations on getting through your hair transplant procedure! Now comes the hard part – taking care of your scalp and grafts so you can achieve the best results possible.
While it can be tricky to adjust to the sensitivity and neediness of your newly transplanted grafts, there is no need to fret. Below, we’ve compiled a few tips for you on how to get through your hair transplant recovery period easily and successfully. Please make sure to follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions carefully.
It is normal to experience slight pain and discomfort for a few days immediately following surgery. This is normal and can be treated with over the counter pain medication such as ibuprofen and aspirin.
Bleeding or oozing from the follicle sites may occur during the night. This too is normal. Be sure not to scratch or pick the scalp at all. Your body is working hard to heal your scalp. Be patient and let it go through the scabbing process.
Applying ice to the forehead may help in reducing swelling and numbing minor pain. Be sure the ice does not touch the newly transplanted grafts.
You may begin shampooing your scalp a couple of days after the surgery. Be very gentle and use a mild shampoo such as baby shampoo. Do not use your nails or finger tips whatsoever, rather lather around the area and allow the suds to gently fall or sit on the scalp. Additionally, make sure the water is on a very gentle stream. We recommend using a measuring cup to gently pour water on the scalp. The pressure of the water straight from the shower head could cause damage to the grafts.
After approximately 1 week, you may begin to use your finger tips to wash your hair. Use very light pressure in circular motions to clean the scalp. Make sure the pressure from your fingers and water is very gentle and light. After 2 weeks, you may return to your regular hair washing method with regular pressure.
Rogaine and other hair products should not be used for 2 weeks following surgery. Hairpieces should not be worn for at least 1 month.
Exercise (even very light) should be avoided for 10 days. Moderate to intense exercise can resume after 14 days. This avoidance of exercise is due to the rise in heart rate causing pressure on the scalp and possibly dislodging the grafts.
If you have any concerns regarding your hair transplant or have noticed shock loss, excessive bleeding, prolonged swelling or pain, or any sign of infection, do not hesitate to call your hair transplant surgeon immediately. While these scenarios are extremely rare, you can’t be too careful.
It is very important you heed your doctor’s instructions very carefully. Detailed instructions are given to you after the surgery is completed. Please keep in mind the success of your hair transplant rests on how well you take care of it.
Tag Archives: before and after
Shock loss – what is it and can it happen to you?
Shock loss is a condition which can occur after a hair transplant surgery. The pre-existing hair in the recipient and donor areas fall out, causing new and increased hair loss. As you can imagine, this is upsetting for many people, as they feel they look worse-off than pre-surgery.
Why does the hair fall out? Anytime we put our bodies through the stress of a surgery, our bodies experience a degree of trauma. Our bodies have different ways of dealing with this trauma such as fatigue and pain. With hair transplant surgeries, the surrounding and existing follicles can be traumatized (or shocked) by the transplantation of new follicles and can respond by falling out.
For most individuals that experience shock loss, the condition is temporary and the hairs return during the next growth cycle. This can take anywhere from 2-6 months. But for others, the shock loss is permanent. This is the case when the hairs that have fallen out were on their way out anyways, meaning, they were due to fall out soon. The trauma of surgery gave them just the push they needed to fall out permanently and create new areas of hair loss.
There are many factors that play a role in whether you will experience shock loss. Firstly, the condition of your existing hair. Hairs that are weak are more likely to fall out. Secondly, the type of hair and hair loss you have. If you have hair that is thin and thinning throughout, you are more likely to experience shock loss. Those who are experiencing receding hair loss are less likely to get shock loss.
Regardless of your predispositions, a certified and experienced hair transplant surgeon can evaluate your hair and give their suggestions and expectations for surgery. Dr. Yazdan believes maintenance and prevention are two of the best tools in fighting hair loss. Treatments such as PRP therapy, laser therapy, and medications can work in conjunction with surgery to protect and nourish the existing and newly transplanted hair follicles and prevent future hair loss.
If you would like to learn more about surgical and nonsurgical hair loss options, give us a call.
Recent FUE Hair Transplant Results – Case Studies
The first hair transplant patient was a 31 year old male with blonde hair. He was losing hair for the past 5 years and was very self conscious about his thinning hair. He used the hair camouflage powder called Toppik to try and conceal his hair loss. Dr. Yazdan (with offices in Orange County and Las Vegas) performed 1,568 FUE hair grafts to fill in his frontal forelock. After results were photographed 9 months post op.
Before and After FUE Hair Transplant – 1568 grafts in one procedure.
The next patient – age 44 – had more extensive hair loss (Norwood Class V) and had been noticeably losing his hair for the past 7 years. He had used Rogaine but had little success. Dr. Yazdan performed 1,922 grafts in one session with the FUE technique in the hairline to the crown. Post op results after 1 year.