Men, it can be hard to dress stylish. Trends are always changing, finding the perfect fit can seem an impossible task, and prices seem to go up every season.
Dressing with style gives off the impression you’ve got it together (whether that’s true or not is beside the point). It’s not about copying anyone else, it’s about finding what works for you, what’s flattering, and what fits your budget.
Let us make it easy for you! We’ve compiled a list of tips on how to dress stylish, easily, and budget friendly. Seriously, you won’t be able to mess up these looks up and they’ll transcend the seasons!
The white button up
You can’t go wrong with this staple. Find a couple white buttoned shirts that fit your shape well and comfortably. For men who prefer a fitted shape, you’ll want to look for a ‘slim’ fit. Then, make this shirt your best friend. You can pair it with slacks for a business casual look, khakis for a day out, or jeans for a casual look. The white button up is the easiest, most versatile, and most affordable style tool in your closet. Use it!
Ditch the graphic tees
Your graphic tees are aging you (in the wrong direction). While graphic tees may be ‘cool,’ ‘witty,’ or ‘reminiscent,’ they aren’t doing your any favors in the maturity arena. If they’ve got sentimental anchors, keep them for sleep or work out tees.
Neutral colors are smooth
While bright colors will definitely make you stand out, it may not be in the positive light you’d hoped. Neutral colors are much more pleasing to the eye. This goes for jeans as well as tops. Acid wash or other artificial washes often give off the impression you’re trying too hard. Keep it cool with a neutral, darker-wash jean. You can’t go wrong with a good pair of Levi’s.