Perhaps the most pressing concern for potential hair transplant patients, besides the safety and permanence of their procedure, is the amount of density they can achieve. Most men and women want to return to the density they had when they were in their late teens or early 20s. While this is usually an impossible ideal, an experienced and highly skilled hair transplant surgeon can add a great amount of density to give a strikingly full appearance.
When considering the question of density, the amount a surgeon can transplant is determined by many factors. Including the hair thickness and quality, donor density, age and family history of hair loss. A conservative approach to follicle extraction is always best as one should preserve the donor site for future sessions as one ages.
The color of the hair is also important in contrast to the color of the scalp. The more contrast, the more hair is required to achieve optical density. Dark hair on a Caucasian scalp is going to appear thinner or sparser than lighter color hair such as blonde, gray, or white. The same is true of lighter color hair on an African-American or darker pigmented scalp. The quality of the hair is also important for determining density. Hair that is curly or wavy appears to achieve more optical density since it camouflages the skin to a greater extent than straight hair. In the 1970s men would perm their thinning hair to reduce the visual contrast between hair and scalp.
The texture of the hair is one of the most important factors influencing the number of grafts required for a specified area of the scalp. Hair shafts can either be very fine, fine, medium, medium-coarse, or coarse. The difference is in the width of the hair; the wider or thicker the hair, the more optical surface density will be visualized. As follicular unit grafts heal, as in any skin graft, the skin contracts or shrinks to its center. The result of this contraction leads to small gaps between each graft which can be improved during a second surgery to fill in these spaces.
Techniques for density creation vary from surgeon to surgeon. At Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan utilizes an extremely fine 0.7mm punch and implantation technique that allows for density optimization and a natural looking hairline. This not only reduces the risk for scarring, but reduces the risk of shock loss in surrounding follicles. Patient Warning
Find a board-certified hair transplant specialist who is highly experienced in adding the kind of density you desire. It is of the utmost importance to conduct thorough research and find an experienced and technically advanced hair restoration specialist to diagnose and treat your specific hair loss situation. A veteran hair transplant physician or surgeon will be able to accurately assess and evaluate your individual hair loss needs and provide the best surgical outcome for you.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
The art and science of hair transplantation continues to progress after nearly a century of practice. African and Asian hair transplants continue to prove more difficult than those of a Caucasian heritage.
Hair transplants have become an increasingly valid option in restoring one’s hair, and it’s safe to say that there are quite a few people who are keen to figure out how well the procedure will work for them. For Caucasian patients, including those of other ethnicities with similar hair, this has rarely been an issue as far as hair type is concerned. They’ve had the FUT procedure (also known as the “strip” procedure), along with the newer FUE method, open to them for as long as those options have been around. Rather, their eligibility has always been an issue of specifics.
African American & Asian patients, however, were in a different situation for a long time. Their hair follicle & skin types, for reasons we’ll dive into soon, once made them virtually ineligible for either type of hair transplant procedure. Now, however, as the technology has developed & hair restoration surgeons have gained further experience with those procedures, the door has begun to open up for them as well.
These advancements have been astounding, to say the least. To help you understand why, let’s go through some of the particular factors a surgeon must navigate in performing a procedure on a African American or Asian hair transplant patient.
An Asian patient at Modena Hair Institute before & after their transplant.
Hair Density
For Asian patients, the issue boils down to them having generally lower hair density across their scalp, meaning that there are less options for follicles in the donor area. This decreased margin for error means that a trained eye is especially vital in carrying out the procedure, lest the results end up looking thin & unnatural.
With African American patients, the density factor comes into play a different way. Specifically, it’s a combination of their hair density being higher than average, along with the fact that their follicles are curled (more on that later). As a result of this, the challenge comes with placing the non-linear follicles in close, natural groupings. This isn’t an issue at Modena, however; we have the experience to know what a natural hairline looks like, and we have unique tools that allow us to bring that ideal, natural hairline into reality.
African American patients are at special risk of a particular healing issue known as keloid scarring. People of any skin color can get it, but it’s been noted as affected darker skin patients the most often. Essentially, it refers to growth of extra scar tissue upon post-injury healing, and the issue is even believed to be passed on across one’s family.
To avoid any suffering from this issue, when patients visit Modena Hair Institute, those with a known history of keloid scarring in their family will go through a very minor test session to determine whether they’ve got it as well. Thankfully, however, even if you see that type of scarring happening on other parts of your body, the vascularity of the scalp means it’s generally less likely in that area. Furthermore, even if it does happen, Modena’s Dr. Amir Yazdan offers his Newport, Beverly Hills & Las Vegas hair transplant patients a special medication to combat it during the procedure, dramatically minimizing it as a result.
For Asian hair transplant recipients, It’s less an issue of specific potential issues (although keloid scarring is still possible), and more an overall increased risk of scarring. If there are genetic issues that might affect this, patients receive the same sort of minor tests mentioned earlier to determine how they’ll react to the full transplant.
Hair Follicle Shape
Lastly, as mentioned in the first point, the hair follicles of African American people are curled in the scalp, leading to the typically very curly nature of their hair. The extraction process changes accordingly, and a punch with a slightly larger diameter than normal has to be used to fully capture the curled follicle, without damaging the surroundings of course. Dr. Yazdan, for example, uses a 0.8-1mm punch to fully capture each follicle while avoiding the surrounding area in turn.
Overall Eligibility
Given the different factors we’ve discussed here, especially with scarring in mind, we at Modena Hair Institute generally perform FUE transplants on African American patients, especially males, since FUT (“strip”) procedures leave minor scarring as a result. Asian patients, however, are eligible to receive either depending on the doctor’s analysis of each particular case.
Why Modena?
Yes, it’s more than possible for African American & Asian patients to get the hairline of their dreams, but as we’ve suggested, it’s only possible if the procedure is being done by someone with years of experience & knowledge on their belt. That’s exactly what we provide here at Modena Hair Institute.
Our practice has had years of experience handling these specific types of transplants, and that’s exactly what it takes to do it right the first time. Sure, other clinics offer these transplants, but many of them have rarely performed procedures on non-white patients, especially Asians & African Americans. Because there are many different nuances in how their procedures are done, this simply won’t do; you’ll be far better off with a clinic like ours that’s spent quality time working with cases like yours.
It’s not just down to procedure experience, either; without the right tools, the best possible results are that much further out of reach, and risk comes creeping that much closer. That’s why, instead of the tools used for the majority of our patients, Dr. Yazdan has highly specialized tools at his disposal for his African American patients. By taking this vital step, he’s able to offer them a full, natural head of hair, an even hairline, and properly-healing donor & transplant areas in turn. Other clinics simply don’t offer this level of specialization, and it’s for that reason why their attempts at performing the procedures are loaded with risks that no patient should ever have to face.
Dr. Yazdan examining Countess Vaughn on The Doctors.
Lastly, at Modena, Dr. Amir Yazdan, a board-certified physician, personally performs every transplant at our clinics, with no assistants handling the procedure itself. The time he’s spent perfecting his craft & practicing case-specific methods makes him more than qualified to handle patients of all backgrounds, and the results he’s achieved speak for themselves.
Learn more about African American hair transplants here, check out more info on Asian hair transplants here, schedule your consultation, and be sure to visit our website to learn more.
If you’ve thought about or are experiencing hair loss, perhaps you’ve wondered how best to proceed. The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS) is a perfect place to begin your search to find the most qualified hair restoration doctors in your area. The IAHRS does not offer open membership, rather the organization selectively screens skilled and ethical hair transplant surgeons.
But you may be wondering, what can a specialist in hair restoration really help with? Locate the Source of the Problem
While going to your local hair transplant surgeon to combat your hair loss is a good way to begin treating your symptoms, it may take a while to truly pinpoint what is causing the problem. At Modena Hair Institute, for example, we know which tests can best help show the cause of your hair loss and can personalize your care more quickly. A Variety of Treatment Options
Another big benefit of going to a hair restoration clinic – instead of a regular dermatologist – is that there are more effective treatment options to choose from. Many suppose that they have to go straight to a surgical option when choosing hair loss restoration treatment. Our Modena offices in Orange County, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas offer a variety of surgical and non-surgical treatment options to provide the best outcomes possible for our patients. We will discuss every option in detail – will you need medical management, PRP therapy, laser therapy, hair transplantation, or something else? A Small Team of Skilled Specialists
Our clinic is made up of highly skilled and technically savvy hair restoration practitioners. Many larger hair restoration clinics outsource for medical technicians, which usually results in higher turnover rates. At Modena, we limit our staff size in order to maximize skill and technique.
Dr. Amir Yazdan is certified by the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons, which is one of the only institutions that carefully screens and qualifies surgeons in the field. Call Modena Hair Institute today to schedule a consultation. During your visit, we will discuss your symptoms, any family history of hair loss, and suggest next steps for treatment. Call us today and learn how we can help you achieve results!
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
As is the case with many health issues, most people start on the road of proactive action only after significant symptoms begin to appear. Hair loss is no different. Given the very gradual and subterranean (hidden) nature of hair loss, many men and women who find excessive amounts of hair shedding on their pillow or in the shower simply chalk it up to an abnormal occurrence, and not something indicative of future loss.
Over the last decade at our hair clinics across California and Nevada, we’ve come across thousands of patients who all tell the same story: although I noticed excessive shedding and hair follicle miniaturization, I felt blindsided by the extent of my hair loss.
Nutritional deficiencies, high stress levels, unhealthy lifestyle choices, traumatizing hair care regiments and genetic disorders are all common causes of hair loss and pattern baldness. The average hair loss sufferer has little to no background knowledge of the causes and origin of his or her hair loss, and so is helpless in their road to aesthetic restoration.
If you are noticing hair miniaturization at the temples, thinning of the crown or just lots of general shedding, it’s imperative that you correctly answer the question: ‘what is the cause behind my hair loss?’ For the wrong treatment or action taken towards treating hair loss could further the damage or pose unnecessary health risks. As such, if you are noticing signs of abnormal hair loss, you’ll want to contact a board-certified hair restoration surgeon as soon as possible.
Control and Prevent: Medical Management
Once you’ve set up your first consultation with your hair loss doctor, expect to receive a brief biographical and physiological examination. Many think that they have to go straight to a surgical option when choosing a hair loss restoration treatment, but an experienced and reputable hair loss doctor will exhaust all non-surgical options first before recommending more invasive solutions.
Usually if your hair is thinning, the doctor will like to start you on a medical management regiment. Your doctor may recommend taking biotin, iron or other supplements, or massaging 5 percent minoxidil into your scalp once daily. With many younger patients, Dr. Amir Yazdan recommends “combining over-the-counter minoxidil treatments (Rogaine) with GroMD shampoo and Follicle Activator Spray as well as Nizoral shampoo has shown impressive results in hair regrowth and density”.
Hair Transplant
Depending on the severity and extent of your hair loss, going in for a hair transplantation may be the strongest and most effective solution. Medical management of hair loss is important, but it’s objective is to control current hair thinning and prevent further loss, not grant you a new hair line. A hair transplant, on the other hand, can give you that life changing hair line that you desire and restore any ailing confidence. A good hair restoration surgeon, working alongside the patient’s aesthetic goals, will identify the best areas on the scalp for transplantation and touch up. Flawless artistic design is as important as technical precision when it comes to a successful hair transplant, so make sure you ask to see past results or testimonials.
The two types of hair transplant are the follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplant (FUT or Strip Procedure). The former procedure involves the use of a micro-punch circular blade that individually harvests follicles from the donor area and places them into the desired areas. FUE has come to be seen as the gold standard of hair transplantation due to the extreme precision, fragility, complexity involved, and its ability to consistently deliver natural looking results. The latter procedure – FUT – involves the surgical transplantation of a strip of donor hair from the back of the scalp. From the donor strip, naturally occurring follicular units, usually groups of 1-4 hairs, are dissected into natural groupings under a microscope to preserve every follicle and then transplanted into the desired regions.
There are indeed other options to consider as well, such as platelet-rich-plasma therapy, scalp micropigmentation and Low-Level Laser therapy.
At our hair restoration clinics in Orange County, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas, we prioritize long term hair restoration results over quick fix procedures. We develop life-long relationships with our patients, many of whom return for advice and friendly consultation once a year, because we care about real life-changing results.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.