With any medical procedure, there is some degree of risk and safety concern involved.
In general, when done in the U.S. by experienced and qualified hair restoration surgeons, hair transplants are safe and effective.
The danger and risk comes into play when regulation, skill, technique, certification, and cleanliness are lacking. While these risks are more common abroad, it’s possible to run into these issues in the U.S. as well.
Some potential issues that could jeopardize the safety and effectiveness of your hair transplant are a botched surgery due to lack of experience and skill, excessive scarring due to punch technique, infection due to unsanitary conditions, and further hair loss due to trauma.
To ensure you have a safe and effective hair transplant surgery, research thoroughly. Below is a list of some things to keep in mind as you’re meeting with hair restoration surgeons and deciding on which facility you’ll go with.
Before and after pictures. Peruse your potential surgeons before and after pictures of other patients. This will be your best indication of their skill and ability level.
Certified by the ISHRS. Make sure your hair restoration surgeon is certified by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons. This is one way you’ll know your surgeon is knowledgeable in the field of hair transplants.
U.S. medical doctor in a U.S. facility. Make sure your surgery will be conducted in a clean and sanitary environment. Don’t risk getting your surgery done abroad. Other country’s doctors and facilities are not held to the same high standards as here in the U.S.
Follow all instructions. Heed all after-care instructions carefully. Keeping the area clean will reduce your risk of infections and complications.