Tag Archives: stem cell hair loss

Do I Need to Do PRP After a Hair Transplant?

prp after transplant
Name: Roger

Question: I recently underwent a hair transplant – about one month ago. I’m following up with my hair loss doctor this week and he recommended going in for PRP in two weeks to support and reinforce the work done in my original hair transplant. Is this a good thing to do?

Answer: In our experience, PRP has the potential to promote faster growth following a hair transplant. It may also help keep your existing hair growing (rather than progressing to further thinning). PRP done in conjunction with a hair transplant, or immediately following a hair transplant, leads to longer-lasting results in our clinical experience. We usually recommend PRP after surgery in order to support the non-transplanted hair.

At Modena Hair Institute in Orange County, Las Vegas and Beverly Hills we combine PRP with ACell (a type of stem cell) to better support the newly transplanted hairs. These stem cells secret potent stimulants, otherwise known as cytokines, which stimulate the growth of hair follicles. Scientific studies show that such stem cells may transform into new hair follicle cells.

All in all, our research has found that injections of PRP with ACell directly into the patient’s scalp can increase both the size and healthiness of hair follicles that have begun to shrink as a result of androgenetic alopecia or common genetic pattern baldness. This means that injections of platelet rich plasma can create thicker looking hair by promoting growth if the dormant follicles, slow the progression of some forms of hair loss, and help maintain hair transplantation results.

Every patient and every case of hair loss is unique, so platelet rich plasma may not necessarily the right treatment for everyone. At Modena Hair Institute we carefully diagnose the nature of your hair loss so that we can create a customized treatment plan that is right for you.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Future cure for baldness and graying – studying the KROX20 protein

Researchers in the UK stumbled upon a possible cure for baldness and graying during cancer research.
While trying to understand the way tumors form and interact with nerve cells, they discovered a protein called KROX20. The protein is commonly associated with nerve development and is present in skin cells that are programmed to become hair follicles and hair shafts.
These pre-hair follicle cells produce a stem cell factor (SCF) essential for hair growth and pigmentation. In mice studies, deleting this stem cell gene turned mice’ hair white. Deleting the KROX20 protein resulted in an absence of hair growth and eventually, bald mice.
While scientists were aware that KROX20 and SCF were factors in hair growth and pigmentation, they were not fully aware to what extent and the degree of importance.
The newly discovered connections are promising news in the hair loss community, as there is currently no cure for this ailment that effects over 80% of the US men and 50% of US women throughout their lifespan.
Future research will continue and hopefully answer questions regarding the effects of KROX20 and SCF in humans. Further, scientists are hopeful that down the road, the research will offer implications and insight into human aging as a whole.
While the potential KROX20 and SCF cure for baldness and graying is still a ways-away, there are some current scientifically-proven options for those experiencing hair loss. Stem cells have been helpful in reversing recent hair loss and preventing future hair loss through PRP (platelet rich plasma therapy). And laser-light therapy has shown great results in male and female patients alike.
If you’d like to learn more about your up-to-date scientific hair loss options, give us a call for a medical management of hair loss consultation.