Tag Archives: hair color

How Much Density Will a Hair Transplant Give Me?

hair graft density
Perhaps the most pressing concern for potential hair transplant patients, besides the safety and permanence of their procedure, is the amount of density they can achieve. Most men and women want to return to the density they had when they were in their late teens or early 20s. While this is usually an impossible ideal, an experienced and highly skilled hair transplant surgeon can add a great amount of density to give a strikingly full appearance.
When considering the question of density, the amount a surgeon can transplant is determined by many factors. Including the hair thickness and quality, donor density, age and family history of hair loss. A conservative approach to follicle extraction is always best as one should preserve the donor site for future sessions as one ages.
The color of the hair is also important in contrast to the color of the scalp. The more contrast, the more hair is required to achieve optical density. Dark hair on a Caucasian scalp is going to appear thinner or sparser than lighter color hair such as blonde, gray, or white. The same is true of lighter color hair on an African-American or darker pigmented scalp.  The quality of the hair is also important for determining density. Hair that is curly or wavy appears to achieve more optical density since it camouflages the skin to a greater extent than straight hair. In the 1970s men would perm their thinning hair to reduce the visual contrast between hair and scalp.
The texture of the hair is one of the most important factors influencing the number of grafts required for a specified area of the scalp. Hair shafts can either be very fine, fine, medium, medium-coarse, or coarse. The difference is in the width of the hair; the wider or thicker the hair, the more optical surface density will be visualized. As follicular unit grafts heal, as in any skin graft, the skin contracts or shrinks to its center. The result of this contraction leads to small gaps between each graft which can be improved during a second surgery to fill in these spaces.
Techniques for density creation vary from surgeon to surgeon. At Modena Hair Institute, Dr. Yazdan utilizes an extremely fine 0.7mm punch and implantation technique that allows for density optimization and a natural looking hairline. This not only reduces the risk for scarring, but reduces the risk of shock loss in surrounding follicles.
Patient Warning
Find a board-certified hair transplant specialist who is highly experienced in adding the kind of density you desire. It is of the utmost importance to conduct thorough research and find an experienced and technically advanced hair restoration specialist to diagnose and treat your specific hair loss situation. A veteran hair transplant physician or surgeon will be able to accurately assess and evaluate your individual hair loss needs and provide the best surgical outcome for you.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Creative hair colors – Fall 2017 trends

Long gone are the days of plain Jane’s, modern hair styles now involve a wide spectrum of colors.
We know what you’re thinking: who can really get away with colorful hair at their professional job? Worry not: the most recent hair trends for Fall 2017 aren’t a rainbow spectrum, they’re a subtle play on traditional brunette and blonde colors.
Below are some of our favorite color combinations that are sure to impress your friends, coworkers, and maybe even your bosses.
Soft rose gold
This multi-dimensional color incorporates subtle pink hues in a goldy-blonde tone. Rose gold jewelry is all the rage, so why not try it on your hair too? To get this color its best if you’re already at a goldish-blonde or dirty blonde/light brown hair color. Your colorist will easily be able to add blonde-gold hues and pink touches.
Lavender blonde
This color is similar to the rose gold but incorporates a more pastel purple hue over a whiter/ashier blonde tone. This color is ideal for those with an ashier blonde or white colored hair. Your colorist will be able to add in lavender hues that will add a soft and subtle creative dimension that’s sure to impress.
Salted caramel brunette
This one is taken straight out of the fall cookbook. Salted caramel is one of our favorite additions in our drinks and desserts, and now it can be in our hair too. This dye-job is ideal for those with a brunette base. Your colorist can add in caramel hues which will add warmth and dimension to your overall color.

Does hair color determine density?

A question that comes up often is whether or not hair color plays a role in things like density, thickness, and eventually, hair loss.
While some people believe the lighter the hair color, the thinner the hair and less density coverage, this isn’t exactly the case.
Statistically, we see that those with a lighter hair color generally have thinner, finer hair. While those with darker hair typically have thicker hair strands. This has to do with the amount of melanin in the hair. The more melanin present in the hair strand the thicker it is.
One important thing to note regarding hair color and hair type, is that hair thickness or fineness and hair density or coverage is not the same thing. Hair thickness refers to the individual hair strands and how thick or thin they are. Hair density refers to the amount of hairs covering the scalp.
This is important because while we see those with lighter hair having finer hair strands, they tend to have a higher hair density.
Based on this information, there is no direct link between hair color and lack of density or eventual hair loss. While you can utilize trends regarding hair color and thickness and density to inform you about your possible hair type, there is no evidence suggesting that hair color is any indication of density or hair coverage.
More likely, your hair’s density is dependent upon your genetics. If your parents or grandparents have experienced progressive thinning, diffuse thinning, or have naturally low density, unfortunately, it’s likely you will as well, as hair traits are highly genetic.
While you can’t change your genetics, luckily, there are many options to help maintain your hair’s density and prevent it from thinning further. If you’d like to learn more about these options, give us a call for a consultation.

Does hair color affect thickness?

Generally, the rule of thumb is the darker the hair the thicker it is. Individuals with black and brown hair typically have thicker hair strands but an overall lower density of hair. While blonde hair individuals usually have finer hair strands but a high density of those hairs.
This is believed to be due to the amount of melanin in the hair. The more melanin, the darker the hair, the thicker the strand. Less melanin means lighter hair and a finer strand.
While these generalizations can help us track hair trends, they unfortunately don’t do much in helping us identify our hair type. Although we can correlate color and thickness, there is no direct causation between the two.
It is not at all uncommon for individuals to have dark hair and fine strands, as well as light hair and thick strands. What’s more likely to play a role in hair thickness is your genetics.
If you’re trying to decipher which hair type you have, you first need to find out if your strands are fine or thick. This can be done by comparing a strand of your hair to sewing thread. If the hair strand is thinner than the thread you have fine hair. If the strand is thicker than the thread you have thick hair.
Next, you need to find out the density of your hair. This can be done by parting the scalp in different areas of the head and noting the amount of scalp visible along the part. The less scalp visible the denser your hair is. The more scalp visible the less density you have.
Over time, our hair can change. This most often occurs with age. As individuals get older they notice their hair density decreasing. If you are an individual that falls into this category, you may be a candidate for hair transplant surgery and/or alternative methods to restoring hair loss such as PRP therapy and laser therapy.
If you’d like to learn more, feel free to give us  a call for a consultation.