An incredible new entry has just been added to Modena’s male hair loss success stories!
Diagnosis: FUE transplant + Repair – Age: 43 – Sex: Male – Grafts: 1977
In the following presentation, Dr. Amir Yazdan documents the beautiful cosmetic results of a 43-year-old male undergoing an FUE hair transplantation to repair a poorly done previous transplant.
The patient came to Modena Hair Institute with a prior hair transplant that looked inconsistent, withered and sparse. After strategically and artistically placing 1,977 grafts around the scalp you will notice the dramatic cosmetic improvement. Better hair direction, consistent hair growth and a thicker hairline.
Dr. Yazdan is an expert in correcting the appearance of bad hair transplants resulting from poor craftsmanship and sub-optimal techniques. Poorly executed hair transplants are psychologically disastrous for patients. FUE and FUT procedures demand an extremely high level of skill, experience and knowledge on the part of the physician.
An incredible new entry has been added to Modena’s female hair loss success stories!
This success story has been a long and involved reconstruction project that continues to be a work-in-progress, but one that deserves to make hair restoration headlines around the world.
In the following presentation, Dr. Amir Yazdan treats a woman involved in a terrible car accident who was left with very little scalp tissue and hair, as well as major cosmetic deformities to her forehead and eyebrow. Traumatic head injuries often include injury to the scalp and eyebrows, with resulting destruction to the hair follicles in those areas.
Initial Reconstruction Work
When the patient first entered our clinic, her scalp was severely damaged and traumatized, as can be seen in the photos below. We began reconstruction work on the patient with extensive skin grafting over the scalp and forehead to both cover the wounds and allow for easier healing of scar tissue. The patient then underwent tissue expanders in the front and back of the scalp for a 6-month period to stretch the skin and allow for better coverage over the scalp.
Skin grafting and tissue expanding was done in order to enable the scalp to grow extra skin for use in upcoming reconstructive procedures. The damaged areas required a newer and stronger layer of skin to act as the base of operation for hair restoration work to unfold.
Hair Restoration Treatment
Traumatic scalp injury and scarring destroy a person’s naturally growing hair follicles. Hair will stop growing where scarred skin grows. This is why hair restoration in the scarred areas of the scalp cannot be undertaken lightly. It requires careful examination of the scalp and consideration of numerous factors that can influence the feasibility and outcome of surgical hair restoration.
After careful analysis of the patient’s scar tissue, scalp morphology and blood supply, Dr. Yazdan chose to begin treatment with PRP to stimulate scar tissue before fat grafting to add healthier fat padding under the skin. This was done in order to provide better vascularity to the scar tissue and to help increase the survival rate of transplanted grafts.
The patient then underwent an FUT/strip surgery to advance the hairline forward, as well as to fill in the scarring and repair her left eyebrow. To achieve a natural look, Dr. Yazdan paid extreme care and attention to the positioning of the incisions and distribution of follicular units in order to ensure a proper aesthetic reconstruction of the damaged site.
Skilled FUT surgery demands a highly artistic eye in order for the new follicular units to blend seamlessly with the patient’s native hair.
Concurrently with the hair transplant procedure Dr. Yazdan performed strategic scalp micro pigmentation to help cover the extensive scarring the patient had suffered from the trauma and surgeries.
In 4-6 months’ time, Dr. Yazdan will perform a second hair transplant surgery in order to:
Increase density in previously transplanted areas
Further refine the hairline
Account for additional scarring and hair loss
Add coverage in weakly supplied areas
As the most recent photos reveal – many months after the skin grafting and first FUT surgery – the patient’s extensive scarring, trauma, redness and crusting have severely subsided as the newly designed hairline and transplanted hair follicles begin to restore the natural look of the face.
[Update 3/19/21]: It’s been six months now since the patient’s initial reconstruction work and we can see the original natural hairline coming to fruition in a beautiful way. We are extremely happy with the graft survival rate on the scar tissue. The regrown hair on and around the trauma site is flattering and has surpassed all expectations – the excision sites have all healed incredibly well.
Finally, Dr. Yazdan’s eyebrow reconstruction work has restored the patient’s natural eyebrow line. Eyebrow reconstruction is a very delicate procedure, requiring perfect placement of the hairs into tiny incisions that are angled at just the right direction and positioned to mimic natural growth.
There are many different avenues to a fuller-looking head of hair. Some might get a FUE or FUT transplant (if they qualify), start using specialized shampoo & follicle activator spray, give laser therapy a shot, or try any combination of methods. We encourage all of these approaches, of course, but there might be another that you have yet to consider. It’s a fairly new trend, and it’s simpler than you might think.
Allow us to fill you in on what’s known as Scalp Micro Pigmentation, which is often referred to as SMP for short. To keep it short, the person performing the procedure creates a dense grouping of medical-grade tattoos, each about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen, specifically matching the density of the hairs on that part of the patient’s head.
“Wait, but what’s a medical-grade tattoo?” You might be thinking, “Couldn’t I just have my local tattoo artist take care of it?” Let’s just get this out of the way now: tattoo artists are not qualified to perform SMP by any means. For starters, there’s no sort of major oversight group to monitor the safety of tattoo parlors. In contrast, the people cleared to perform SMP are strictly monitored by the state medical licensing board, meaning that they have to follow an incredibly precise set of guidelines concerning how these tattoos are given to patients.
A Modena patient’s thinning crown before & after their SMP procedure.
Let’s get back to explaining SMP itself, though. This sort of procedure can be useful for quite a few different people. For starters, if you recently got a hair transplant & want to make it seem like there’s more hairs between the transplanted ones, an SMP procedure can be an excellent option. It also works for people who want to fill in the space between thinner hairs, and if you don’t feel like having too much hair restoration work done, you can even have larger areas of your scalp pigmented to give the appearance of a very low-cropped shaved hairdo.
A donor scar resulting an FUT procedure, also known as the “strip” procedure, can be covered up in this manner as well. As another example, if a person decides to go to a less experienced hair surgeon before finding us at Modena Hair Institute, either at our Newport, Beverly Hills, or Las Vegas locations, we can utilize the procedure to cover up poorly-closed donor areas that would’ve stuck out far more clearly otherwise.
You can see an example of how this plays out in the first half of the video we’ve included here. This Modena patient was dealing with a rather wide donor scar that appeared clear as day along the back of his head. With some moderate pigmentation by Dr. Yazdan, however, one cannot tell that any procedure had been performed in the first place. The same can be said of the person appearing in the second half, who had a space in the center of their head & left with it not only looking completely filled-in, but natural in turn. When it’s all said and done, the results will end up lasting you around 3-5 years.
The best results, however, only come when you have an experienced professional handling things. If done poorly, the results can end up looking worse than unnatural. How can this happen, you wonder? Well, many of the negative experiences people have at outside clinics center on a certain safety factor that wasn’t in play, along with a lack of experience.
One of the main causes of a botched SMP procedure, for instance, is bad ink. If you’ve seen the results of botched budget tattoos people get on other parts of their body, imagine how that would look on someone’s scalp. It’s a sorry sight, to say the least, and it can be easily avoided. All you have to do is avoid the temptation of dubious budget clinics, where cheapness is often a result of cutting corners in safety. Instead, opt for a clinic like Modena Hair Institute, where board-certified & licensed physician Amir Yazdan follows precise medical standards to make the procedure completely safe & sanitary.
Of course, with cheap outside clinics, there’s also the risk of ending up with dramatically unnatural markings on your head, resulting from the performer’s lack of experience replicating real hairlines. Your surgeon should know a natural hair grouping like it’s their first name, and as you can tell from the pictures above, Dr. Yazdan fits that description better than any other hair restoration surgeon out there.
The long-lasting nature of the procedure means it’s more than vital that things are done right the first time. That’s why all SMP procedures at Modena are performed under the guidance of Dr. Amir Yazdan, a board-certified hair restoration surgeon & physician who has years of experience in his field. You can see various examples of his patients here, and set up a consultation of your own here.
As hair restoration options grow more effective and varied, FUE & FUT transplants continue to be permanently significant. Yet there are some factors that can limit one’s hair restoration options. For instance, if your available donor areas don’t have enough follicles for your transplant area, you’ll have a hard time getting either type of procedure done. People suffering from alopecia areata, otherwise known as spot baldness, also find themselves unable to receive a transplant due to their condition. These, along with other factors we haven’t mentioned, mean that effective alternatives to a hair transplant are an absolute must.
Thankfully, they’re not only out there, but they’ve already helped scores of people change their life & get their hair back. These treatments, known as PRP hair regrowth therapy, scalp micro pigmentation, and low level laser therapy, are often used as supplements to hair transplants, but they’ve also been extremely helpful as standalone procedures. Let’s go through them one by one so we can show what makes them as important & effective as they are.
If you aren’t familiar, PRP is short for platelet-rich plasma, which exists as part of one’s blood & has a wide range of natural healing & growth properties. To obtain its benefits, a hair restoration surgeon like Dr. Amir Yazdan of Modena Hair Institute will begin the procedure by drawing some of your blood & preparing it for PRP extraction. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan uses a specialized process unique to his Las Vegas, Beverly Hills & Newport clinics. Specifically, he performs what’s known as the “multiple-spin technique”, which involves rapidly spinning the vial of blood in different directions at high speeds until nearly all the PRP in the sample is separated. From there, proprietary growth factors & activators are added to maximize the growth & healing potential of the plasma.
Once that’s completed, the PRP is lightly injected into the scalp & begins its work to shift follicles from what’s known as the “telogen” phase of their life cycle (when hair loss occurs) to “anagen”, or the growing phase. This, along with the assistance it offers the immune & endocrine systems in tackling hair loss, begins to show in as little as three weeks, fully manifesting in a matter of a few months from there.
With the combination of our unique extraction system, the state-of-the-art technology at our clinics, and the years of expertise Dr. Yazdan brings to the table, PRP hair regrowth therapy has become a treatment choice for countless Modena patients, whether they’re receiving it on its own or getting it in supplement to a FUE or strip hair transplant.
Before & after a SMP procedure at Modena Hair Institute (performed by Dr. Yazdan)
Like PRP therapy, scalp micro pigmentation, known as SMP for short, is quite common as both a standalone procedure & a supplement to others. Unlike PRP though, there’s no drawing of blood involved, and the needles being used are attached to tattoo guns, rather than syringes.
This is far from a tattoo you could get at a shop across the street, though. How, you ask? Well, simply, it’s medical-grade. With SMP, every aspect, including ink, tools, and the person performing the procedure, falls under the strict supervision of the state’s medical licensing board, while the inks, processes & tattooers at conventional shops are entirely unregulated from a medical standpoint. Even professional tattoo artists acknowledge infections as a potential danger with their work, and an ink-related infection in the scalp area could be disastrous for future hair growth. Besides that, even just from a cosmetic standpoint, a tattoo artist with no knowledge of hair groupings would be bound to fumble in the pursuit of creating a natural look. In short, not just any tattoo or tattooer will do. Whoever performs this procedure for you needs to know your hair growth pattern like it’s their own first name, along with needing to stick to strict medical codes & keep your safety at the forefront of their mind.
When you come into a Modena clinic, you can be sure that’s exactly what you’re getting. Dr. Yazdan, a licensed physician, has dedicated much of his time to perfecting the SMP procedure, and his patients’ results show that he’s done the necessary work to achieve optimal results in the safest possible way.
Lastly, having become an increasingly popular phenomenon in the past few years, low level laser therapy, known as LLLT or simply “laser hair therapy”, has shown to be very promising for a significant amount of people. So how does it work? Well, as told in the name, in LLLT, a series of low level laser diodes is distributed evenly surrounding the scalp, firing off periodically to kick follicles into the “anagen” stage of their life cycle. This, as we mentioned before, is when hair growth takes place.
As it goes with these promising technologies, not all iterations live up to the hype. For instance, many companies making LLLT devices have cut costs with their products by making them far too weak to be effective. Others are just low quality through & through, merely made to cash in on a rising trend.
There is one, however, that we’ve found to stick out beyond the rest in a big way. Known as the CapillusRX, its first strength comes in the amount of diodes it boasts compared to the competition. Rather than sticking in the 100-200 range like much of the competition, it comes packed with 312 diodes that cover the entire scalp with little to no blank space. Its second advantage comes with convenience; rather than needing to come into a clinic for treatment, CapillusRX owners can carry out their anti-hair loss therapy in the comfort of their own home, with the device fitting on one’s head like a regular cap. Lastly, this devices rises above the others with the virtue of saving time; patients only have to wear it for six minutes each day, and results start appearing within a few months of starting treatment.
If you already opened a new tab to order it to your door, slow down. Unlike the standard, less effective alternatives, you can’t order this from a store; it’s only available via licensed physicians who offer it out of their practice. Fortunately for you, Dr. Yazdan offers the CapillusRX out of every Modena location in California & Nevada, and all you need to do is reach out & stop in for a consultation to see whether LLLT is the right hair loss treatment for you.
Learn more about PRP therapy, SMP, and LLLT, along with the many other services & treatments we offer, by visiting our website.
When faced with a choice such as whether to have a full hair transplant or to opt for scalp micropigmentation (SMP) instead, it can take a while to decide. And that’s probably a good thing. Both of these procedures are serious and can take time to recover from, and should not be entered into lightly. It takes time and effort to locate an expert hair restoration practitioner and assess his or her strengths and weaknesses.
Therefore, weighing up the pros and cons of each and taking time to do so can make the decision easier and more informed at the same time. The best option of the two procedures for you will depend on what you want as the end result – each one will (or can) look very different.
Scalp micro pigmentation is the process of tattooing ink into and onto the scalp in order to give the illusion of a shaved head rather than the reality of a bald one. No hair is required, and so for those who are entirely bald it is a great solution. However, the SMP will not feel like real hair, and it won’t grow either. Due to this, the only style available is that of a shaved head, and if you do have remaining hair you will need to keep this shaved as well so that the look is complete. SMP is useful for those who have lost hair in patches, as it can be used as a ‘filler’.
A hair transplant is a more complicated, more serious procedure. This is for men and women who are experiencing mild to severe hair loss and hairline recession. A successful hair transplant will leave you with a new hairline made up of your own actual hairs. There are no artificial tattoos, plugs or wigs involved. Strong and healthy hair is taken – usually from the back and sides of the head – and implanted into the thinning region of the scalp.
However, the end result will be that of a full head of real hair. This is achieved by using donor hair from elsewhere on the patient’s scalp and moving it to the place where hair is missing. This is therefore only possible if there is hair left on the scalp – a hair transplant cannot be achieved on someone who is completely bald. The hair created in a hair transplant should, all being well, continue to grow, and therefore the styles that can be created are much more varied than with SMP.
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
Before – Thinning crown & After scalp micro pigmentation
There are tremendous aesthetic benefits to micropigmentation, only a few of which we will go over in this blog.
A growing number of working-class professionals are facing hair related problems like a receding hairline, excessive hair fall, thinning hair or pattern baldness. These problems can severely affect a person’s self-confidence. The hair restoration industry has been hard at work developing new and effective techniques to treat hair loss or hair thinning. One of the techniques to camouflage and invigorate a thinning scalp is called Scalp Micropigmentation or SMP.
What may look like a complicated treatment for hair loss, is actually what we can simply call a ‘hair tattoo’. SMP is a cosmetic tattoo that is done on the scalp, to give an illusion of a buzz cut on a bald head or fill in thinning portions of the scalp. It can be used to serve many purposes like camouflaging of scars on the scalp, provide a look of stronger and thicker hair and to create a look of cropped hair on your scalp. SMP also finds use in a number of different scalp conditions like scanty hair loss, alopecia areata, genetic androgenic alopecia, alopecia totalis, autoimmune diseases of scalp, alopecia universalis, lichen planus and some of the other types of scarring alopecias. Burn scars victims may also be great candidates for SMP.
Studies have found that about 42% of males between the age of 18-45 suffer from the problems of hair loss. Though the problem is more likely to grow as you get older, in some cases it can victimize younger people as well. In such cases, for men, the best way to go on is by adopting the ‘ruggedly bald’ or the ‘buzz cut’ look.
If you’re looking to improve your look while suffering from hair loss, then you could opt for Scalp Micropigmentation. SMP is performed by a hair restoration specialist and involves absolutely minimal time and recovery. Moreover, it needs next to no maintenance and you are free as soon as you leave the clinic to go about your normal routine!
Micropigmentation can be a tremendously beneficial and easy aesthetic solution for both men and women. SMP delivers great results in cases of thinning hair, where it provides an illusion of a full head, with thicker and stronger hair. As the picture above shows, thinning or baldness on the parting line or crown can be restored easily to its natural looking thickness!
Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.
Scalp Micropigmentation, or SMP, is a non-surgical option to restore the appearance of hair in those experiencing hair loss.
How does it work?
During an SMP procedure, natural pigments are applied to the epidermis of the scalp in a dotted manner. This gives the natural appearance of hair follicles on the scalp and in turn camouflages hair loss.
Scalp Micropigmentation is an extremely universal method of hair restoration. It can be used to add density to a thinning area, to conceal the appearance of a botched hair transplant scar, and to restore the hair line.
SMP can be used on its own to fill in between thinning hairs, or in conjunction with a hair transplant surgery.
Men who like to wear their hair shaved are often draw to SMP as it is a great option to give the appearance of hair while still being able to wear the hair very short or to have the head shaved.
SMP is a semi-permanent hair loss solution. The pigment typically lasts 3-5 years in most individuals.
Here at Modena, we’ve formulated our own brand of SMP technology to offer the maximum hair loss camouflaging available on the market today.
We’ve seen great success with Scalp Micropigmentation to add density to thinning crowns, to conceal botched FUT/Strip scars done by less experienced surgeons, and to give that ideal shaved head look.
If you’d like to learn more about SMP and see if you’re a candidate for this hair loss camouflaging technique, give us a call today.