Tag Archives: laser cap hair loss

What If a Hair Transplant Isn’t an Option?

As hair restoration options grow more effective and varied, FUE & FUT transplants continue to be permanently significant. Yet there are some factors that can limit one’s hair restoration options. For instance, if your available donor areas don’t have enough follicles for your transplant area, you’ll have a hard time getting either type of procedure done. People suffering from alopecia areata, otherwise known as spot baldness, also find themselves unable to receive a transplant due to their condition. These, along with other factors we haven’t mentioned, mean that effective alternatives to a hair transplant are an absolute must.

Thankfully, they’re not only out there, but they’ve already helped scores of people change their life & get their hair back. These treatments, known as PRP hair regrowth therapy, scalp micro pigmentation, and low level laser therapy, are often used as supplements to hair transplants, but they’ve also been extremely helpful as standalone procedures. Let’s go through them one by one so we can show what makes them as important & effective as they are.

PRP Hair Regrowth Therapy

If you aren’t familiar, PRP is short for platelet-rich plasma, which exists as part of one’s blood &  has a wide range of natural healing & growth properties. To obtain its benefits, a hair restoration surgeon like Dr. Amir Yazdan of Modena Hair Institute will begin the procedure by drawing some of your blood & preparing it for PRP extraction. Here at Modena, Dr. Yazdan uses a specialized process unique to his Las Vegas, Beverly Hills & Newport clinics. Specifically, he performs what’s known as the “multiple-spin technique”, which involves rapidly spinning the vial of blood in different directions at high speeds until nearly all the PRP in the sample is separated. From there, proprietary growth factors & activators are added to maximize the growth & healing potential of the plasma.

Once that’s completed, the PRP is lightly injected into the scalp & begins its work to shift follicles from what’s known as the “telogen” phase of their life cycle (when hair loss occurs) to “anagen”, or the growing phase. This, along with the assistance it offers the immune & endocrine systems in tackling hair loss, begins to show in as little as three weeks, fully manifesting in a matter of a few months from there. 

With the combination of our unique extraction system, the state-of-the-art technology at our clinics, and the years of expertise Dr. Yazdan brings to the table, PRP hair regrowth therapy has become a treatment choice for countless Modena patients, whether they’re receiving it on its own or getting it in supplement to a FUE or strip hair transplant.

Scalp Micro Pigmentation

Before & after a SMP procedure at Modena Hair Institute (performed by Dr. Yazdan)

Like PRP therapy, scalp micro pigmentation, known as SMP for short, is quite common as both a standalone procedure & a supplement to others. Unlike PRP though, there’s no drawing of blood involved, and the needles being used are attached to tattoo guns, rather than syringes. 

This is far from a tattoo you could get at a shop across the street, though. How, you ask? Well, simply, it’s medical-grade. With SMP, every aspect, including ink, tools, and the person performing the procedure, falls under the strict supervision of the state’s medical licensing  board, while the inks, processes & tattooers at conventional shops are entirely unregulated from a medical standpoint. Even professional tattoo artists acknowledge infections as a potential danger with their work, and an ink-related infection in the scalp area could be disastrous for future hair growth. Besides that, even just from a cosmetic standpoint, a tattoo artist with no knowledge of hair groupings would be bound to fumble in the pursuit of creating a natural look. In short, not just any tattoo or tattooer will do. Whoever performs this procedure for you needs to know your hair growth pattern like it’s their own first name, along with needing to stick to strict medical codes & keep your safety at the forefront of their mind.

When you come into a Modena clinic, you can be sure that’s exactly what you’re getting. Dr. Yazdan, a licensed physician, has dedicated much of his time to perfecting the SMP procedure, and his patients’ results show that he’s done the necessary work to achieve optimal results in the safest possible way.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Lastly, having become an increasingly popular phenomenon in the past few years, low level laser therapy, known as LLLT or simply “laser hair therapy”, has shown to be very promising for a significant amount of people. So how does it work? Well, as told in the name, in LLLT, a series of low level laser diodes is distributed evenly surrounding the scalp, firing off periodically to kick follicles into the “anagen” stage of their life cycle. This, as we mentioned before, is when hair growth takes place.

As it goes with these promising technologies, not all iterations live up to the hype. For instance, many companies making LLLT devices have cut costs with their products by making them far too weak to be effective. Others are just low quality through & through, merely made to cash in on a rising trend. 

There is one, however, that we’ve found to stick out beyond the rest in a big way. Known as the CapillusRX, its first strength comes in the amount of diodes it boasts compared to the competition. Rather than sticking in the 100-200 range like much of the competition, it comes packed with 312 diodes that cover the entire scalp with little to no blank space. Its second advantage comes with convenience; rather than needing to come into a clinic for treatment, CapillusRX owners can carry out their anti-hair loss therapy in the comfort of their own home, with the device fitting on one’s head like a regular cap. Lastly, this devices rises above the others with the virtue of saving time; patients only have to wear it for six minutes each day, and results start appearing within a few months of starting treatment. 

If you already opened a new tab to order it to your door, slow down. Unlike the standard, less effective alternatives, you can’t order this from a store; it’s only available via licensed physicians who offer it out of their practice. Fortunately for you, Dr. Yazdan offers the CapillusRX out of every Modena location in California & Nevada, and all you need to do is reach out & stop in for a consultation to see whether LLLT is the right hair loss treatment for you. 

Learn more about PRP therapy, SMP, and LLLT, along with the many other services & treatments we offer, by visiting our website.

The Ins & Outs of Laser Hair Therapy

Millions of people around the world are trying to fight back hair loss, and many of the methods they choose end up taking a lot of time and money while giving nothing in return. That doesn’t mean effective solutions aren’t out there, though. In fact, we’ve found one that could very well be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Allow us to introduce you to laser hair therapy.

While it might sound intense on the face, low level laser therapy, often shortened to LLLT, is anything but. As the name suggests, LLLT involves lasers tuned to a specific low frequency. Dispersed across the area of the scalp, these lasers go off in regular intervals that allow them to nourish the cells that hair follicles need to tap into for oxygen & nutrients. Cell metabolism sees major improvement as a result, and the devastating effects of DHT (a hormone strongly connected to hair loss) are weakened in turn. We can understand if you’re initially skeptical about having lasers surround your scalp, but rest assured that this is a completely safe process with no known side effects, even in the case of those using other hair loss products & medications.

This sort of therapy is often done for people who’ve recently completed a FUE or FUT (a.k.a. “strip”) hair transplant & want to speed up post-op recovery. That being said, anyone qualified to receive medical treatment for hair loss would be considered a candidate for low level laser therapy.

“Wow, that sounds fantastic! But I don’t want to have to go to appointments to get it done.”  We understand that better than anyone, and that’s why we’re excited to tell you that starting laser hair treatment on your own terms is as simple as putting on a hat. No, really. Companies like Capillus have come out with laser therapy devices that fit like any old cap, even allowing you to put your favorite cap on over it without any discomfort.

Now, like we said, there are quite a few companies out there making LLLT products like these, but in our opinion, Capillus stands out as the most effective option. They have three different models you can pick up yourself: there’s the Capillus82, which has 82 lasers dispersed around the scalp area, the Capillus202 that has, well, 202, and lastly the CapillusPro, which has 272. They all work to some degree, but it could take you a long time before you start seeing real results. Then there’s the CapillusRX.

What’s different about it, you ask? Well, instead of stopping at 272, the CapillusRX boasts 312 laser diodes distributed around all parts of the scalp. And even though it’s comparatively packed with diodes, it’s just as easy to wear & use as the other three. By putting on for just six minutes a day, you can experience a world of benefits within months of starting treatment. Besides reversing the process of hair loss in general, this laser therapy cap even works if your hair loss is due to hereditary issues. Whether you’re thinning or balding, or dealing with damaged hair, your mane can end up looking fuller & nourished faster than it would with any other device.

If you’re wondering why we didn’t mention it in the previous list, you should note that those are just the models you can get on your own. In case the “RX” in the product name didn’t clue you in, you can only find this particular laser therapy cap though a physician, especially one at a hair restoration clinic. 

Everything that comes with the CapillusRX package.

Well, it just so happens that you can find one of those at Modena Hair Institute in Las Vegas, Newport & Beverly Hills! Dr. Yazdan, a board-certified physician & hair restoration surgeon, has recommended the CapillusRX to many of his patients, and he’s seen nothing but ideal results with regular use. Sure, you can get the standard options sent to your door without dealing with anyone, but that convenience won’t be worth much if you don’t get the best possible results.

Find out if you’re qualified for LLLT & the CapillusRX by reaching out for a consultation today, and be sure to visit our website to learn more about the many ways we can help you restore your hair. 

Drug-Induced: Is Your Medications Causing You Hair Loss?

Medications are designed to treat a wide range of health conditions, but sometimes they can have unwarranted side effects including changes in our hair. Changes in hair color, texture and you guessed it…even hair loss! Medication-induced hair loss, just like any other form of hair loss, can have a profound influence on men and women’s self-esteem. The good news is – once the medication is stopped, your hair loss most likely can be reversed. Now for the unwelcome news – many of us must take these medications to treat a more fundamental problem (i.e. thyroid problem) creating a vicious cycle of problems and frustration.
So, what do you do? While we don’t recommend you tossing your meds in the trash to save your hair, At Modena Hair Restoration, we would first suggest seeing your doctor who prescribed the medication and ask if there is an alternative without the pesky and unruly side effect of hair loss. If not, you’ll have to find treatments to supplement this bothersome side effect.
Drugs can induce a wide spectrum of hair loss ranging from barely detectable hair loss to irreversible baldness. This is caused by interrupting the normal cycle of hair growth. It’s important to understand the 3 diverse cycles:

  1. Anagen phase – 90% of your hair is in this phase for 2-5 years, the hair grows. This is considered the “active growth” phase.
  2. Catagen phase – which lasts 2-3 weeks, the hair is preparing itself for the final phase of Telogen. This is also known as the “transitional” phase.
  3. Telogen phase – which last about 3 months, the hair rests, older hairs are shed and then replaced by new hairs. This is also known as the “resting” phase.

Medications can lead to two specific types of hair loss:
Telogen Effluvium – being the most common type of medication-induced hair loss, usually appears a few months after starting the medication. This causes the hair follicles to go into their state of rest (Telogen) and fall out prematurely.
Anagen Effluvium – this type of hair loss occurs in the Anagen phase of our hair growth cycle when the hairs are actively growing. It prevents the matrix cells (which assist in producing new hairs) from dividing in a normal fashion. This is a more severe form of hair loss that is mostly seen in patients taking chemotherapy drugs causing them to lose most-if not all the hairs on their head and can even affect the eyebrows, eyelashes and body hair.
Culpable Medications known to cause hair loss:

  • Acne medication (retinol in acne medications)
  • Antibiotics and antifungal medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Oral Contraceptives
  • Anticoagulants or “blood thinners”
  • Immunosuppressant medications

Possible Treatments (dependent on the type of hair loss):

At Modena Hair Restoration, Dr. Yazdan prevents and treats hair loss caused by medications with a custom medical management regimen to fit patients specific needs. By visiting with a reputable specialist alike Dr. Yazdan early, you can make a plan of attack for prevention and treatment. While hair loss may still occur, your preemptive approach can considerably lessen the overall impact.

For information on medical reasons for acquiring a hair transplant click here.
For questions or to schedule a consultation, call one of our offices conveniently located in Irvine, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills and Las Vegas at 888-717-5273 or contact via our website at contact Modena Hair Link 

Does laser therapy for hair loss actually work?

Laser therapy for hair loss involves using red light to promote hair growth, prevent future hair loss, and reverse recent hair loss. Laser therapy can be done in your doctor’s office or at home via special hats, brushes, and combs.
While laser therapy sounds like a great, convenient way to prevent and reverse hair loss, does it actually work?

Because there are so many brands and versions of laser therapy for hair loss and so little market regulation, there are many laser therapy tools that are just plain ineffective.
For example, in order for the red laser light to be effective at promoting hair growth, it needs to be on the scalp for approximately 20-30 minutes at a time. Tools like brushes and combs are not held on the scalp, rather moved and swept throughout the hair. In addition, most people spend less than 5 minutes brushing their hair per day. This is not enough time nor direct scalp contact to be effective.
Because there are so many options and brands available and so little market regulation, it’s difficult to know if the tool you’re buying is even made to work. Just any ol’ red laser light isn’t going to be effective at promoting hair growth. It needs to be the right laser light levels in the right places. A simple google search will pull up over 20 “top” brands for laser therapy on the market today. What’s important to keep an eye out for is FDA approval. Most of the “top” brands are not FDA approved. This means their safety and effectiveness is not researched, proven, or corroborated. Make sure the brand you choose is FDA approved, thoroughly researched, and recommended by hair restoration surgeons.
Here at Modena, our favorite laser therapy method for hair loss is Capillus laser caps. Capillus is the only FDA approved laser hair cap on the market. It’s easy to use and effective when used consistently. Capillus has no known side effects and has a high success rate. Best of all, its 100% portable.
If you’d like to learn more about Capillus and laser therapy for hair loss, and see if you’re a candidate for this hair loss treatment, give us a call today for a free consultation.