Tag Archives: alopecia

What can I do about Alopecia?

Alopecia is an umbrella term for hair loss of any type.

Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) is a type of hair loss due mostly to hormones, and is the most common form of hair loss. 

Although androgenetic alopecia is called male pattern hair loss, it affects 45% of women. 

Alopecia is divided into two sub-classes such as scarring alopecia and non-scarring alopecia. Alopecia, which leaves a scar on the skin, is of a rarer type.

Androgenetic Alopecia: It is the most common type of alopecia. It occurs due to genetic predisposition and hormones. Androgenetic alopecia, which is observed in men in their twenties, is mostly observed in women in their forties. While men typically start to lose their hair from the front and sides, women are typical for a Christmas tree-like shedding.

  • Alopecia Areata: Loss of hair in any part of the body and in a specific area. It can affect the scalp as well as other areas such as arms, legs and eyebrows. Although the cause is not fully understood, it is thought to occur when the body defends against its own cells (autoimmune disease). For this reason, it is common to apply local steroids to the areas where it is observed.
  • Traumatic alopecia: It occurs when the hair is pulled strongly and exposed to trauma. It is common in performers of various kinds. The shedding seen in trichotillomania disease, in which people constantly pull their hair, is also considered within this type.
  • Telogen effluvium: Our hair maintains their lives in a cycle. The growth phase is called anagen, the stagnation phase is called katagen, and the resting phase is termed telogen. In a normal person, 80% of the hair is in anagen phase, 2% in katagen phase and 18% in telogen phase. If the percentage of hair in the anagen phase decreases while the percentage of telogen phase increases, it is called as telogen effluvium. Thyroid dysfunction, an iron-deficient diet, not taking essential vitamins and minerals and some medications can cause telogen effluvium.
  • Traction (pulling) style alopecia: It occurs when women tightly tie their hair. It is more common in African-American women. Typically manifested by thinning on the front line and sides.
  • Chemotherapy induced alopecia: This is also called anagen effluvium. In most of the cases, the hair returns to normal after the treatment is over.

In the most common type of alopecia, hair follicles first become thinner and then baldness occurs. Although testosterone is known as a male hormone, it plays a large role in female hair loss as well.

70% of men and 45% of women are affected by this type of hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). Testosterone is converted into a hormone called dihydrotestosterone.

In a significant part, hormone levels are completely normal. This is because a large part of dihydrotestosterone is produced in the hair follicles and very little passes into the systemic circulation from there.

Dihydrotestosterone binds to receptors in hair cells and sends signals inside the cell. It increases hair loss on the scalp and increases hair growth in other body parts.

Treatments for all kinds of alopecia can be found here!

Health Health: What is your Hair Telling You?

hair healthYour hair is an important indicator of both external and internal health issues. Whether external skin issues or internal hormonal imbalances, hair thinning or hair loss is a direct sign that something is going on.

You should pay attention to how your hair feels, look and how easy it is to style. Often when hair symptoms point to larger and more prominent problems you shouldn’t avoid or ignore the possibility. 

There is good news, these symptoms often can provide you with an easy view into what’s happening within your body early on which gives you the chance to take action before it gets worse.

One of the signs that something could be wrong is a change in the amount of hair you have. While thinning hair is not uncommon as most people lose from 50 to 100 strands each day, if you should notice your hair is thinning, it may be a good time to examine what may be causing it.

Hair restoration specialists know that one common reason for thinning hair as a symptom may be the presence of a hormone imbalance or autoimmune conditions. When the hormones in your body are not regulated it can affect the growth of your hair and how much hair you shed. Autoimmune diseases occur when your body’s own immune system begins to fight off its own cells. If your hair is thinning or shedding rapidly, it may be due to these key areas of concern.

Your hairs strength is also a good indicator of your health. If your hair is breaking or thinning or perhaps just not growing health strands then that is an indicator that there is an underlying problem. Breakage and thinning occurs when the hair follicles are not getting the nutrients they need to grow properly. The hair you get is less strong and prone to breakage. Why is this happening? There can be several reasons for it. The most common is the nutritional deficiency. What you eat really does have an impact on the way your hair looks and feels. Certain types of nutrients help your hair grow strong and healthy. Vitamins like D and B are necessarily for healthy hair and not getting enough of them can cause your hair to thin.  

Finally, there are times that your hair may be communicating to you that there are very serious health problems going on. Hair loss that is significant can be an indication of high levels of stress, especially if you are losing hair in patches around your scalp. Hair thinning can be an indication of psychological stressors as well. Hair falling out in patches on the scalp may be an indicator for alopecia areata. Take a close look at any changes that occurred over the last couple of weeks or months and see if there is any correlation with things you have changed about your lifestyle, diet or living habits. If so, seeking out advice from a hair loss professional on treatments and therapies for hair loss prevention should be a top priority.

Dr. Amir Yazdan, MD, is an internationally renowned hair transplant surgeon, expert guest on Dr. Phil and The Doctors, creator of the GroMD hair restoration product line, ISHRS member, accredited member of the IAHRS and a visceral advocate for patient care. Learn more about Dr. Yazdan or read rave reviews from his patients.

Wish you had a beard for the holiday season?

Now you can have one!
Hair transplants aren’t just for your head anymore. Hair transplants can give you hair anywhere you need or want it – like on your face.
Recent trends over the past 10 years have been in favor of thicker, fuller brows, and a thicker, fuller beard. Unfortunately, we weren’t all gifted with ample facial hair. Thankfully, advancements in hair transplantation have met the demands of the people. And as a result, facial hair transplants such as beard and eyebrow transplants are on the rise.
Facial hair transplants are very similar to scalp transplants. They involve extracting grafts from a donor area (such as the back of the scalp), and transplanting them into the desired area. Extractions can be done via the FUE or FUT/Strip methods.
Because eyebrows are a smaller area, they typically only require a small amount of grafts, around 300-500. Beards can vary quite a bit due to the patient’s desired size, shape, and coverage. For example, some patients look to fill in patchy areas and add density, while others are looking to build a beard from scratch. Beard graft quotes typically range from 500-1500.
Just like scalp hair transplants, beard and eyebrow transplants are your own natural hair, growing in naturally on your face. Your brows and beard will look natural because they are. No more temporary or permanent make up tricks.
Get the look you desire. If you’re interested in learning more about facial hair transplants and finding out if you’re a candidate for this game-changing procedure, give us a call today.

Medical conditions that cause hair loss

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of sources. Most commonly, hair loss is caused by androgenic alopecia or male/female pattern baldness.
But in some cases, hair loss may be caused by an underlying medical condition. There are many conditions that involve hair loss as a symptom.
In order to treat hair loss, you will first need to know what’s causing it. If a more serious condition is the culprit, you may need to treat the condition before the hair loss can be addressed. In some cases, the hair loss will resolve on its own as the condition is treated. In other cases, the hair loss may need to be treated alongside the condition.
But remember, your overall health and wellbeing is most important. Make sure to give the utmost priority to treating the medical condition, and only treat the hair loss as approved by your doctor.
Below is a list of the most common medical conditions behind hair loss. In most cases, a simple blood test or physical exam with your doctor can provide a diagnosis.
Thyroid disease/hormonal imbalance. Hormones play an integral role in the growth and development of scalp hair. When hormones become imbalanced (through thyroid disease or other causes), hair can thin, fall out, and stop growing.
Alopecia areata. This condition may sound similar to the common hair loss condition androgenic alopecia, but it is in fact much different. Alopecia areata involves the immune system mistakenly identifying hair follicles as foreign bodies and attacking and destroying them.
Folliculitis/infection. The scalp can become infected just like the rest of the body. Infections of the hair follicle (folliculitis) can cause patches of hair loss across the scalp.
Chronic illness. Any ongoing chronic illness can cause hair loss. When the body undergoes long-term damage, it must prioritize body processes. Because hair growth is not a crucial component to body functioning, it is often cut of nutrients first.
Medications. Hair loss is a common side effect of certain medications. Drugs used to treat such conditions as arthritis, depression, heart issues, high blood pressure, and even birth control and been linked to hair loss.
If you think your hair loss may be caused by a medical condition, you should meet with your doctor as soon as possible to be tested for potential diseases. Once a disease has been diagnosed or ruled out, you can begin the process of addressing the hair loss. You’re not alone. Give us a call today.

Finasteride (Propecia) for hair loss – what is it and who can use it?

Finasteride (or Propecia) is most commonly used to treat urinary problems that are the result of an enlarged prostate gland. Finasteride is considered a steroid reductase inhibitor and works by reducing the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. Less DHT means a smaller prostate gland, which in turn resolves the urinary problems.
For individuals that have hair loss caused by an excess of DHT in the body, finasteride can prove useful. In these cases, the reduced DHT allows hair growth to increase and hair loss to slow.
Finasteride should be used by adult men only. While the drug hasn’t shown that it causes harm to women, it also hasn’t shown enough evidence that it helps them either. The most recent research still deems the efficacy of Finasteride in female pattern baldness controversial.
As with any medication, there are some important side effects that should be noted. The most prominent is a decreased sexual drive. Additionally, the drug may also affect fertility.
When deciding whether to start a medication, one should always weigh the pros and cons with an experienced and certified doctor. Together, you can come to a conclusion as to whether the benefit is greater than the risk of side effects.
Here at Modena, we specialize in the medical management of hair loss. Upon evaluation of your scalp and hair loss history by Dr. Yazdan, a determination can be made as to if you would be a good candidate for finasteride treatment.
If you’re experiencing hair loss and would like to explore your options, give us a call for a medical management consultation today.